senator lundeen speech
[10] Within the year after the tragedy, the story that Lundeen's speeches have been written by Viereck had been reported by several journalists. May God bless you and your families today and your future generations. Viereck supplied the Christian Front and other violent ultra-right groups around the country. senado. And possibly more importantly, we will help this Chamber lift up its head, look to the far horizon, and take on the basic issues that will provide extraordinary opportunities to our grandchildren and their children with a willingness to thoughtfully discern priorities and a laser focus that dismisses unsustainable political pet projects. So at that point, they had two options: fess up, give up the game, cooperate with the investigation; or, try to burn the whole thing down. Lundeen served in the United States Army during the SpanishAmerican War. It tends to be our nature as politicians to launch into any debate at full throttle to tell everything we know about a matter. January 17, 2023 at 11:16 a.m. Below are the remarks as delivered by Gov. But for this scheme to be truly successful, Viereck needed his propaganda to go beyond Senator Lundeens reach with his constituents in Minnesota. Please include your return postal mailing address when corresponding with a Senate office. Young: Once Lundeen was approached by Viereck, Lundeen was all in. You will experience the difference in the way this body and the broader General Assembly takes on and talks about issues. Viereck would supply this material, supply these speeches to Lundeen, Lundeen would take them and read them verbatim on the floor of the Senate. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. These speeches would run as articles, under Lundeens byline, as if the senator had written them himself. The members or legislators of a senate are called senators. Like the charter airplane accident that killed DFL Sen. Wellstone, his wife and daughter and four others near Eveleth, Minn., Oct. 25, 2002, the accident that took the life of the 62-year-old Lundeen changed the course of Minnesota and perhaps even American political history. And yet we must not mislead ourselves into believing that the government can solve all problems. Material created by or approved by the Hitler government in Berlin, provided to viciously anti-Semitic groups, linked to both street violence against American Jews and also violent armed plots against the U.S. government; Viereck using kernels of disturbance here in American life to drive us apart from one another, to drive us apart from our allies, to destabilize life here at home, to scare us, to make fascism seem like it was on the march, and on its way here, and maybe we should welcome it. All of us face a season of rising crime that will continue to expand unless we commit to a culture that honors law and law enforcement. Maddow: Norma Lundeen made her case, defending her husband passionately and directly to the public. With Lundeen's help, a subcommittee of the Labor Committee heard testimony from 80 witnesses on the benefits of the bill and the suffering of the unemployed. They ultimately chose option two. What she was there to do really was, as she put it, something unprecedented in radio broadcasting. She had a taste for flamboyant hats. For most of our customisable plastic, metal writing instruments and drinkware, the enitre value chain - from design and production, including tool manufacture through to assembly, printing and logistics - is located in-house. We are The Senator Group Senator Products Go to Allermuir Products Go to Discover What we offer _All Services Environments Global Reach Sustainability Services Learn more about our workplace consultancy. Thanks for sharing this interesting article about Norma Lundeen. It is those who love the dead, and who all the years of their lives will bear his name with pride, they are the ones who feel the force of the dagger driven into the back of the dead. Republican. Maddow: The deal that Viereck was offering to Senator Lundeen, it was a lucrative one. And the old-fashioned idea behind it is that members of Congress should easily be able to communicate with their voters back home about what theyre doing in Washington. In 1941 in New York, a big academic study was done of Germany's propaganda efforts here to try to figure out why the Hitler government was putting so much effort, so much money, into propaganda targeting americans. Maddow: Viereck told Lundeen that he had a plan by which they could make some pretty serious cash. A copy of the Congressional Record from 1940, containing Sen. Ernest Lundeen's last speech on the floor of the Senate. Maddow: So Viereck would get pro-German speeches from the Hitler government, from the German embassy. Send any friend a story. It immediately led them to start wondering: Were they next? Well that material was supplied to Francis Moran by George Sylvester Viereck. Despite the loud protests of the senators widow, Norma Lundeen, on the radio her threats to sue reporters into submission, her attempts to gaslight the American people that her husband wasnt really standing in front of the swastika despite all of that, the details of her husbands relationship with this Nazi agent, those details began to get out. They were all in on the cause. The wreckage of the Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane, which crashed during a violent thunderstorm near Lovettsville on August 31, 1940. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. Pitted against the popular Benson and ex-Farmer-Labor congressman Henry M. Arens, a 70-year-old former lieutenant governor with deep ties to the states farm cooperative movement, many observers believed that the Lundeen name still possessed some magic in Minnesota Farmer-Labor circles, especially among the states large German-American population. The German agent would provide speeches to Senator Lundeen, Lundeen would then deliver on the Senate floor, theyd get tons of copies made, then the publicist would run logistics on getting those copies mailed out to the public. DENVER Below is the transcript of Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeens (R-Monument) speech on the opening day of the First Regular Session of the 74th General Assembly. He executed a court-ordered search warrant on an apartment belonging to a D.C. publicist, a guy who they believed to be Viereck's employee in Washington. So now we launch into 120 days of policy and politics. President, Mr. [1] He then served as a Republican from Minnesota in the United States House of Representatives, from March 4, 1917, to March 3, 1919, in the 65th congress. Maddow: Senator Lundeen had built his career on being outspoken against the US joining foreign wars. Hart: What we know is true is that Viereck is receiving much of the material for these speeches from the German embassy itself. That picture of Ernest Lundeen, standing under that giant swastika? Lundeen was elected to the United States Senate in 1936 as a member of the Farmer-Labor Party. Shortly before Sen. Ernest Lundeen's death, a newspaper called P.M. published a report that exposed Lundeen's scheme with a paid Nazi agent to distribute German propaganda throughout the United States. To the majority caucus: We will make honest and sincere efforts to work with you. Maddow: Once George Viereck was arrested, the members of Congress who had participated in this scheme, they knew that prosecutors were onto them. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. Speech before Congress by US Senator Ernest Lundeen, (Farmer-Labor, Minnesota) Senator Lundeen gave this speech detailing the history of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party on Testifying as a witness for the defense in Vierecks trial, Norma Lundeen said that she had never heard Viereck utter a single un-American remark. By then, the Lundeen name had been too badlytarnished by revelations that her late husband had associated with some fairly seedy characters on the Far Right, the most damaging of which was his longtime association with George Sylvester Viereck, a controversial German-American poet and novelist who was then serving a two-to-six year prison sentence for having worked as a publicist and propagandist for the Nazis following Hitlers rise to power in Germany. Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen, R-Monument, said that businesses are already passing over Colorado for their expansion plans and conferences because they think its too much like California. These coming years will likely be tough on the people of Colorado, and only through bipartisan cooperation, and reasoned application of the best and most inherently sustainable ideas, will we be able to overcome the challenges all of us face. Young: Wheeler used his position as a sitting member of the United States Senate to lobby the Justice Department to fire Maloney. DENVER Below is the transcript of Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeens (R-Monument) speech on the opening day of the First Regular Session of the 74th General Assembly. Nancy Beck Young: This group of people, if they were anything first, it was their own political success and careers first. A paid agent of Hitler's government ramps up a targeted propaganda effort aimed at weakening democracy and supporting the fascist cause in America. The Republican caucus in this chamber can, and I believe will, make a fundamental difference. America First. That tight-little, patriotic-sounding populist slogan was both a don't-get-involved-in-the-war rallying cry, and a good, profile-boosting vehicle for members of congress who for whatever reason were opposed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was just an electoral juggernaut at the time. But that was only step one. Radio Reporter: George Sylvester Viereck, the man who has been prominent for several years as a Nazi propagandist. Norma Lundeen: Innuendos have been made that a certain individual wrote my husbands speeches. To reach that kind of scale, he needed more speeches. We inspire possibilities for people to change the world in a million different ways, big and small, local and global, every day. And random people dont just get to jump on a national radio broadcast whenever they feel like they have something to say. That was all she asked for. He was gonna need more Senators. box 4, folder 6-8. Join our email list to receive press releases and other important news about legislation delivered straight to your inbox. quotations . Now, that was unusual because she did not work for NBC. He was kind of their top banana here. But the other members of Congress, that band of America Firsters who were all in on it, too, they were still flying under the radar. He served from January 3, 1937, in the 75th and 76th Congresses until his death. He was trying to sow dissension among the American public about the war effort and about our own system of government, to spread misinformation that was favorable to Germany and disfavorable to us and our allies. It wasnt surprising, therefore, thatTIME Magazine, in a particularly vicious swipe at the late lawmaker,referred to Norma Lundeen shortly before the primary as the 46-year-old widow of British-hating, German-loving Senator Ernest Lundeen.. In part because everyone who choosesand most politicians chooseown a broadcast channel. The ship reached a maximum speed of 40 knots, came to a complete stop in 58 seconds, and then travelled in reverse at 20knots. Committee Assignments. Don't believe your lying eyes. The handwritten note at the top was added by his widow, Norma. Our Senior Executive Producers are Cory Gnazzo and Laura Conaway. He was fully capable of writing his own, and he wrote his own. But historians who've studied this have made the very obvious point, how could she have not known his connection to Viereck and the Nazis? To Senators Pelton (Byron and Rod), Baisley, Rich, Roberts, Exum, Cutter, Marchman, Mullica, and Sullivan, I extend a warm welcome to the state senate. He supplied high-profile and low-profile members of the America First movement coast-to-coast. [10] Norma tried to prevent that narrative by claiming that "no one wrote [her] husband's speeches" and threatening to sue one of the journalists who was reporting on it. 1937 in the 75th and 76th congresses, until his death. Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra is a production of MSNBC and NBC News. This statement is malicious and atrociously false. Global Reach He had begun to identify those who had been involved in the scheme. Private activist groups operating outside law enforcement were tracing stolen U.S. military weapons and complex, violent plots involving homegrown violent fascists with help and financing from Berlin. Together they compose the national bicameral legislature of the United States . Its meaning is derived from a very ancient form of social organization, in which advisory or decision-making powers are reserved for the eldest men. With additional sound from CBS News. Viereck, who had actively supported Robert M. La Follettes insurgent candidacy for the presidency in 1924, had cultivated friendships with several leading isolationist lawmakers, including New Yorks Hamilton Fish, Jr., but Senator Lundeen was arguably his closest ally in Congress. Senator Bob Rankin Announces his Resignation Dec 1, The application of one, or sometimes two members names, from the second party has been the accepted measure of that claim. Lundeen was adamantly opposed to the United States involvement in World War I and campaigned on that stance. This promises to be good. Maddow: Millions of Americans. The United States Senate consists of 100 members, two from each of the 50 states. This is the man, who after the grave had closed on him, and he could no longer defend his good name, has been ruthlessly slandered by repeatedly suggesting that Senator Lundeen was not a loyal American. [8], In 2022 Rachel Maddow released a podcast series titled Ultra, which explored Lundeen's complicity in Nazi Germany's intelligence and propaganda operations in the U.S. during the 12 to 18 months immediately preceding America's entry into World War II. Like the people of Colorado do every day, we must all lean forward and strain toward the prize of a better Colorado for ourselves, our children and our posterity. Hart: Many of these men begin sort of searching their own files, trying to find out what their legal exposure might be. Options for Contacting Senators. His excellent, excellent book is called Hitler's American Friends: The Third Reich's Supporters in the United States. Highest recommendation, 12 stars out of ten! Maddow: Despite her efforts to hide her husband's relationship with Viereck, her removing the documentary evidence from her husbands office right after his death. When Norma Lundeen took to the airwaves that Sunday in May 1941, she and her family were very much still in the throes of grief. George Viereck and the Nazi government were using the America First movement and America First members of Congress for those ends. The term "senator" derives from Ancient Rome, where the Senate depicted the 'elders' assembly' ("senex" means Maddow: After the plane crash that killed her husband, Norma Lundeen traveled to Washington D.C. He was very good at it. States in the Senate Lists of all senators from each state and facts about each state's history in the U.S. Senate. In reality, a number of the most high-profile America First members of Congress were in cahoots with a paid agent of the Hitler government who was supplying them with propaganda intended not just to keep the U.S. out of World War II, but also to divide Americans along political lines, racial lines, religious lines, class lines, all in the interest of national demoralization." It turned out that Viereck also helped write speeches for several isolationist congressmen, including ghostwriting at least six speeches for Lundeen all of which came out during his closely-watched trial in early 1942, seven months before the Minnesota primary. Current Membership: Each Senator represents 931,349 Californians. He sees Lundeen as an easy mark. Testifying as a witness for the defense in Vierecks trial, Norma Lundeen said that she had never heard Viereck utter a single un-American remark. He said a lot of aspirational things about making Colorado better," said Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen. That said, colleagues, I am grateful and honored for the opportunity to stand before you today and share with you some hopes going into this legislative session. He operated all over the country in the lead-up to America entering World War II. Initially, his Communist sympathies remained strong: in 1936, then Senator-elect Lundeen addressed a meeting of the "Friends of the Soviet Union" at Madison Square Garden as Tovarishchi ("Comrades"). It was disbanded when Derrick was only six, after that grouchy old ultra-Libertarian Senator Timothy de Illy May 18, 1941, 11:30 to 11:45pm, the NBC Blue Network. Addresses for each senator can be found on the senator's website or state's web page. They were mostly Republicans, but also some Democrats. senador. senator ( plural senators ) A member, normally elected, in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate, as, for instance, the legislatures of the United States and Canada. The plane crashed near Lovettsville, Virginia, and all 25 persons on board were killed. Norma Lundeen: Only a few days after the husband and father we loved had been laid away, this storm of malice broke. Ernest Lundeen (August 4, 1878 August 31, 1940) was an American lawyer and politician. He had close ties to George Sylvester Viereck, a leading Nazi agent in the U.S. Viereck often used Lundeen's office, and "sometimes dictated speeches for Lundeen, openly using the Senator's telephones to obtain material from Hans Thomsen at the [German] embassy. All accusations of this nature are emphatically denied in the letters of the Attorney General Jackson and J. Edgar Hoover. Long forgotten, Norman Lundeen Holman the wife of two U.S. These difficult conversations can be noisy. Education. Viereck wrote speeches and articles for Lundeen about how our supposed allies were weak and hypocritical and corrupt and doomed, how American democracy was corrupt and rigged, how the fascist government in Germany was strong, how the United States government should stay out of Germanys way. He wanted this propaganda effort to have a broader reach. To make up for lost time, to get out from behind the eight ball, the Attorney General finally decided to appoint a special prosecutor, someone to start paying attention to these kinds of threats to our democracy. People are thinking my husband is on trial, she pleaded in an anguished voice. Filter members by last name, committee, district number, or party (type (D) (R) for party): Home Page. It hadnt even been a year since her husband had died in that terrible, mysterious plane crash. Archival support from Holly Klopchin. He served as a Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party member in the House from March 4, 1933, to January3, 1937, in the 73rd and 74th Congresses. President, Mr. Here at Senator we create products that set the stage for people to do amazing things. Many of the issues fought over in this past election are not solved, they are still with us. But what prosecutor William Power Maloney actually found during that raid, it set him back on his heels. Hart: This is a moment of great political danger, I think for these men. An IPR Editorial January 6, 2021 Our John Brown Moment? For it is in those commonsense and broadly acceptable solutions and the ability to crane our necks to see beyond today, even tomorrow, far beyond our time in this chamber that the optimism of the people of Colorado rests. But the woman behind the mic that day, she was someone who was in a unique and interesting situation. The Latin word senator was adopted into English with no change in spelling. All of them, Maloney now realized, apparent participants in this operation funded and run by the Hitler government to disseminate Nazi propaganda to the American people. All eyes were briefly on Lundeen. The prosecutor who was appointed was named William Power Maloney. Her name was Norma. Lundeen might have added a comma, or changed the spelling of a word, but Lundeen did not do any significant, or even mild editing to the prose provided to him by Viereck. He was criminally charged for his role in the scheme that he ran through Congress, which was a shot across the bow to all the members of Congress who had helped Viereck carry out the scheme. They asserted that Lundeens speeches were bitterly anti-British and vigorously against American preparedness. Whether certain foreign agents figured that they were about to be exposed, whether G-men on the plane tangled with Lundeen on the flight, or whether it was an act of God and the weather may never be known, they declared. An IPR Political Analysis: The Seventh Realignment, Breaking News: Connor Nepomuceno Resigns from LNC. Senator Ernest Lundeen: I have never heard a German, or a German born American, with the gall to ask that we help Germany, but red, yellow, brown, black and white Lundeen might be dead, but George Sylvester Viereck was still out there. Together we must find balance in our discussions and a willingness to look to that far horizon. And George Sylvester Viereck was the top German agent in charge of executing that mission in the United States. In fact, to conclude that all the solutions lie in government action is false on its face and the highest order of misguided hubris. Occupation. Yes! Fax: (202) 228-2190. We insist to be full participants in the legislative process in this chamber, and will offer our best, constructive suggestions for making the future laws of this state better. Hart: His initial idea is that he's going to have a U.S. Hart: It's really a scheme of, of genius in some ways. Requests for Senator Lundeen's speech "Six Meaning of senator in English. The United States Senate is the upper chamber of the United States Congress, with the House of Representatives being the lower chamber. ", On the afternoon of August 31, 1940, Lundeen was a passenger on Flight 19 of Pennsylvania Central Airlines, flying from Washington, D.C. to Detroit. PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION, Exhibit 1 62-CV-18-254 Filed in Second Judicial District Court 1/30/2018 2:53 PM Ramsey County, MN, A Guide to the Records of Minnesota's Public Lands, Sixty-Eighth Congress March 4, 1923, to March 3, 1925. And sometimes they did. Darcy always has the most informative and entertaining articles. Radio Reporter: George Sylvester Viereck, well-known publicist, has been indicted by a grand jury which pictures him as using congressional franks to send-out his material. I think we would say evil genius. We care about the quality and flexibility of your childs education that is so important to their future success. Just as she failed to find justice in the courtroom, the soft-spoken and attractive Lundeen found little fondness and impartiality for her husbands memory at the ballot box as Benson, still enormously popular among Farmer-Laborites in the Twin Cities and with miners on Minnesotas Iron Range, easily captured the partys U.S. Senate nomination, garnering 66,051 votes to Lundeens 24,019 and 17,163 for Arens. Young: this is a moment of great political danger, I think these. Presents: Ultra is a moment of great political danger, I think for men. Was a lucrative one, that was unusual because she did not for! Nbc News the US joining foreign wars solved, they are still with US the House Representatives... That far horizon speech on the floor of the Congressional Record from 1940, containing Sen. Ernest Lundeen standing! Your families today and your future generations Ernest Lundeen by a paid agent of 's! Young: Once Lundeen was all in, 1878 August 31, 1940 was. 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