13 reasons why bryce and hannah scene

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Though the infamous suicide scene was deemed gratuitous and subsequently removed by the streaming service, 13 Reasons Why season 1 itself was, from the outset, praised for shining a light on the more sensitive topics teenagers face today. The edit was aimed to emphasize the show's message that "we must take better care of each other," to quote13 Reasons Whyproducer Brian Yorkey. Drama Mystery Thriller Hannah winds up at a party after an argument with her parents. Related: 13 Reasons Why: [SPOILER]'s Death Was The Show's Biggest Mistake. He encourages her creative outlet and helps her find the bravery to read them out in their group. Hannah also conveys that she felt her own share of guilt for having been too scared to come out of her hiding place. Caleb is there with Tony, Courtney is there with her girlfriend Tamika and Jessica and Alex kiss. A tremendous storyline in the last period of the well known Netflix unique is that the staff at Liberty High School has decided to execute wellbeing estimates like metal finders, cops observing the foyers and surveillance cameras. View our online Press Pack. Follow her on twitter @JA_Davids or email her at jordan@themighty.com. They admit they havent done so sooner because they were ashamed. Lisa Marie Presley's net worth: Losses, lawsuits and Graceland, Marie Osmond says her kids won't get an inheritance, Jeremy Clarkson apologizes for scathing Meghan Markle article, difficult issues like depression and suicide. Originally, however, 13 Reasons Why was based on the book of the same name by Jay Asher. barely any at all), the season's most disturbing moment comes in. It appears you entered an invalid email. Season two comprises of 13, hour-long episodes. In the next scene Chloe, Chloes mom, Mrs. Baker, Jessica and the Bakers lawyer sit down and talk through her assault and what she will say on the stand. He's given just three months community service and decides to transfer to a private school, returning to Liberty High for the interim. I was in love with him.. 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 13 Reasons Why'sincreasing backlash and criticism over the yearsled to the deletion of the scene where Hannah takes her life. It is the twenty-fourth episode of the series overall. Still looks like a jerk to me! Hallucination Hannah makes an appearance in court and whispers in Clays ear,I wanted to be with him forever. I joined The Mighty because I believe storytelling is a powerful tool in raising awareness about mental health and trauma. Zach was one of the athletes in attendance for Marcus and Hannah's disastrous date. 13 Reasons why is a show that is heavily skewed towards the American White Teenage demographic. He spent most of 13 Reasons Why season 1 playing suck-up to Bryce and learning his habits and behaviors, which made him become an entitled bully. Here's everything listed on her infamous tapes. You can vote in our Twitter poll below or in the comments section at the end of this article. Starring Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen, 13 Reasons Why season 4 followed him and his friends as they prepared for graduation from Liberty High. ", Several mental health organizations, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, supported Netflix's decision in a joint statement, saying: "There has been much debate about the series in the mental health community. that power is more important than the sex), it was hard to watch. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Weve seen in the last few episodes that Bryces mom seems to know her son isnt innocent. Also, Hannah did try to get out of the hot tub and she told him she wanted to leave numerous times. As a couple, they start ignoring and distancing themselves from Hannah, leaving her isolated. Another day, another reason people are mad at 13 Reasons Why. First he attacked Jessica, after her boyfriend Justin (Brandon Flynn) left her drunk and unconscious in a bedroom at a party. Im not sure why the show felt it necessary to include it, but I recommend skipping the entire scene (from minutes 38 to 40). John's love of film and television defies genre and sometimes even logic. WATCH VIDEO PLAY TRIVIA. But the series has continued to go strong with fresh, new storylines each season, including in its latest third which was just released on Netflix on August 23, 2019.. I was in love with him.. However, the show aired on the day of the school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, so the message we send to teens a demographic who watches this show about school shootings and gun violence seems important here. Terms. John Atkinson has been a news and feature writer for Screen Rant since late 2018. This information paired with his hallucinations would have made for a great conversation about what getting help looks like, but we dont get that. In season one, its discussed that Clay had or has a mental illness. Jessica asks the judge to give him a tough sentence, It can say to victims like me, that our story matters. But thats not what happens. It is unknown whether Netflix will renew the series for a third season after complaints about the series finale. T, he camera pans over to Chloes empty seat, and Bryce sees that she has left. This conversation leads Jessica to ask Chloe to testify in court about Bryce raping her. Having been at the event together and grown closer, they went to the bedroom to escape the crowd. So begins the review of another season two episode that feels altogether implausible and really just takes you out of the narrative. He says he has to do something. 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 7, "Tape 4, Side A" was centered on Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler). In regards to Hannah, she says, Was she just another, we see that he gets an erection from the thought of overpowering her. Bitter that shedefies his belief that Hannah is easy prey, Marcusgoes on to preemptively taint Hannah's reputation further to tryto maintain his own. Life After Loss: Resources That May Help Suicide Loss Survivors. He is first beaten by Zach, and Zach breaks his leg, then Alex comes later on, and ends up pushing him into the water Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking At the beginning of season 2, Justin does heroin and is affected by it the next morning. The baseball coach tries to get Zach to be more of a team player by manipulating him (Wasnt I there for you last summer? referring to when Zachs dad died). Clays car wasbroken into and the box from the Clubhouse was stolen. Even when Hannah references her sexual assault, Mr. Porter merely suggests that the best option might just be to forget it and move on. Tyler stays back in the crowd gathering around and takes pictures as the fight goes on. Hard. The fact that Clay has not yet received treatment and is unraveling more and more is very concerning, particularly because its beingused as a way to ramp up the drama, not create awareness about seeking help for mental health. I wanted to be with him forever. Bryce is the biggest fucking idiot ever . Want to watch 13 Reasons Why with us? Tyler is seriously wounded after the assault. Monty asks Bryce how he can help, and Bryce tells him to forget it as well as get out of his life. Courtney eventually ends the fight by pulling the fire alarm. Soon Bryce started touching Hannah under the water. The show could have cut both the violence to Tyler and the gun storyline and still have been a complete show. Mrs. Baker tells Clay shes moving to New York because it was Hannahs dream. 2019 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. and our When court adjourns, we see that there is a group of guys waiting to congratulate and cheer on Bryce. Brian Yorkey's Netflix unique teenager show arrangement 13 Reasons Why returns on Friday, June 5 for its fourth and last season - this is what time individuals can begin viewing. Anything good this episode did is irrelevant due to the graphic sexual assault scene and gun violence storyline. Clip of The 13 Reasons Why Season 2 Episode 11 (2x11) Bryces flashbacks, while not entirely inaccurate, were false. Though Hannah remains adamant that they should call someone or do something, Sheri succumbs to fear of getting in trouble with the police. Nothing is off-limits to his passion - be it Marvel, DC, Rian Johnson's Star Wars, or Tommy Wiseau's latest cinematic offering. Still sore from everything that had happened with others, Hannahfeels insulted and frustrated by yet another advance. Even as the show tried to move away into new central stories, the ghost of Hannah Baker continued to hang over the proceedings in a metaphorical sense;a vision of Hannah even appeared in season 4. While we can try and justify the reasons someone may end their life, nothing can justify a school shooting. Clay asks what we should do when someone is in need and makes a terrible mistake. As a result, not only is Hannah distraught by another potential friend's betrayal, but she is immediately beset by further unwanted advances and harassment. The socially-awkward photographer developed a crush on Hannah after she was kind to him. Clay finally finishes getting the semicolon tattoo he wasnt able to finish in the first episode. For immediate help if you are in a crisis, call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at1-800-273-TALK (8255), which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Regardless of the diversity of the cast, characters and potential viewership this show receives - the format and the book itself is a white narrative. Told in voiceover from Hannah's perspective, 13 Reasons Why was celebrated for daring to look at teenage mental health yet sharply criticized for how it handled teen suicide. Netflix has officially liberated 13 Reasons Why season 4, with the ending following the characters as they embark on new chapters of their lives in the wake of yet another tragic death. The psychology of a victim. Clay then puts the gun to his head and hallucination Hannah keeps talking through details of her rape. Related: Will 13 Reasons Why Season 5 Ever Happen? To that end, she made a visit to Porter's office. Two seasons into the show (possibly too late), Netflix followed the advice of medical experts concerned about the impact of depicting such a graphic suicide and removed the scene, maintaining that they prioritized the life of the show over any individual scene. Unlike the others, however, he reaches out and tries to console her. Want to watch 13 Reasons Why with us? She begins questioning him about his actions with Chloe, then Hannah. During his sentencing, Bryces lawyer and the judge says a few disturbing things that anyone whos followed the #MeToo movement knows happens in real life. Oops! This post is a review of season two, episode 11 of 13 Reasons Why and contains spoilers. WARNING: The below article contains spoilers from season two. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. As hebegins to listen to them, he realizes that they function as an audio suicide note. It was Nina who stole the photos and, in episode 13, burns them. Unable to express his feelings healthily, however, he resorts to following her and taking photos without her permission. Privacy Clay says they still want to adopt him and Justin accepts. If you watched Ep 11, how would you rate it? Maybe that explains her change in heart and why she didnt testify against Bryce. New in town, her friend Kat throws a party in Hannah's honor so she could meet people. Tyler triesto respond the way he learned in his program, but Montgomery doesnt let up. How he is functioning at this point is beyond me. I dont want Bryce Walkers money, I want him dead.. The offending document originated with the jocks and circulated around the school. Clays mom leaves the firm she was working at to represent survivors of sexual assault. With the town still mourning the tragedy, Clay receives a set of cassette tapes on his doorstep. I had predicted Alex would have injuries following his suicide attempt for maybe one or two episodes and then be miraculously cured, but, like real life, that didnt happen. Her mother then walks in and finds her daughter dead. Was that Meth Seth, Justins moms boyfriend, sitting in the car outside Monets after Hannahs service? 13 Reasons Why has depicted a plethora of jarring scenes in its four-season run, so much so that viewers may have forgotten all five deaths as well as how and why they happened. During this conversation hallucination Hannah continues to scream graphic details about her rape. Its not the thought of sex that makes him hard, its the thought of power, and feeling entitled to taking what he wants. Instead of accepting her decision, hestealsthe poem from her and published it anyway. It feels like nothing. When court adjourns, we see that there is a group of guys waiting to congratulate and cheer on Bryceafter his testimony. She states that it was Hannah and another girl, that Hannah enjoys threesomes, and that everything about her and Justin was true. I have to do this for myself. Justin tries to talk him down andClay points the gun at Justin. It was nice seeing him become more comfortable with himself as the show progressed. Clay comments on how good Tyler is and he replies that it helps him to name his targets and think of people he doesnt like. For other inquiries, Contact Us. 13 Reasons Why's increasing backlash and criticism over the years led to the deletion of the scene where Hannah takes her life. That, to any sane person, is the same as someone saying no. There is a lot that happened in 13 Reasons Why Season 2, and here's how the show asks the right questions but fails to give the right answers. The controversial Netflix teen drama 13 Reasons Why initiated a crucial conversation on sensitive topics such as sexual abuse, suicide, drug abuse, HIV, and, of course, high school bullying. If you watched Ep 13, how would you rate it? In his petulant rage, Tyler leaks the photo around the school. I dont know how to answer that when it relates to a student bringing guns to school to kill their classmates, but I do know the way he handled it was wrong. After witnessing the traumatic sexual assault of Jessica, a distraught Hannah is offered a lift home by Sheri. Here's everything that happened and what it entailed. This dealt with in Tape 11. Even Mr. Porter and Coach get involved while trying to break up the fight. One act does not define a life, the priest tells them and so they hold the service there at the church. However, given that the scene is so pivotal to the forward thrust of the story after season 1, it's hard not to feel a certain weight lacking throughout a rewatch. In 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 1, "Tape 1, Side A," both Clay and the audience hear the story of Hannah's first kiss. Its worth applauding 13 Reasons Why here for maintaining Alexs disability the entire season. I think he was somewhat in love with Bryce for sure. Hearing commotion coming from a nearby house, Hannah ended up venturing into a party. Until she cried. After moving around to her side of the table, he persists in touching her inappropriately. You can follow along with the rest of our 13 Reasons Why reviewshere. At this point, we are worried hes going to shoot someone. Hes had shitty days but always wanted to live. When the baseball coach talks to Mr. Porter, in regards to Bryce he says, I would hate for someones future to be ruined. This is a very common sentiment we heard in the wake of the #MeToo movement people expressing concern for the careers/lives of the perpetrators. Another nice tribute to the #MeToo movement was the casting of Anthony Rapp as the priest overseeing Hannahs service. In fact, if it ended after episode 12, it still would have had enough suspense for there to be a 13 Reasons Why season three. Then you had sex with her against her will, isnt that correct? to which Bryce replies, he would never want to hurt any girl, especially when he thinks of his mom and girlfriend. The final name on Hannah's list was revealed to be Mr. Kevin Porter in 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 13, "Tape 7, Side A". The camera pans over to Chloes empty seat, and Bryce sees that she has left. 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 3, "Tape 2, Side A" centered on Alex Standall. He claims they went there often to look at the stars, make out or sometimes make love. When he said make love, I almost choked. This prompts a profound separation among instructors and understudies, particularly after a lockdown drill turns out badly and winds up with primary character Clay . See production, box office & company info, 13 Reasons Why: Beyond the Reasons: Beyond the Reasons Season 1. Now, lets talk about what really happened during the events Bryce described in his testimony. If you or someone you know needs help, visit oursuicideprevention resourcespage. Hannah's embarrassment and betrayal of trustare exacerbated by the poem being read out in class. "We've heard from many young people that '13 Reasons Why' encouraged them to start conversations about difficult issues like depression and suicide and get helpoften for the first time. Related: What 13 Reasons Why Can Do About Its School Shooting Story. analyzing what each episode means for themental healthcommunity. We find out they went to other churches who refused them because Hannah died by suicide, which is considered a sin by some. Fans and pundits didn't have the foggiest idea what's in store from season 4, however it conveyed what it is known for - delicate topic and the heartbreaking passing of a . Before long the duo became a trio when they met Alex (Miles Heizer), forming the "FML Club." Once of the biggest catalysts was her being raped by high school jock, Bryce Walker. The Rape Of Hannah, Jessica, and Chloe Another major criticism of 13 Reasons Why season 1 was its depiction of sexual violence, most specifically the rape of Jessica and Hannah by Bryce. In her distress, she yells at Clay to leave. We learn Bryce is very troubled by his parents absence from his life, and talks to Hannah about this. We find out they went to other churches who refused them because Hannah died by suicide, which is considered a sin by some. Clay pockets the gun and runs away before the cops arrive. First of all, there was the graphic depiction of Hannah Baker's suicide. Hannah winds up at a party after an argument with her parents. Its clear he wants to save Tyler, whereas he couldnt save Hannah. 1. John's fondest wish is to one day produce a film of his own. Brutalizing Tyler to show a reason why he might turn to guns was unnecessary. Selena Gomez confirmed the second series of the show on Twitter. Its not just Mrs. Baker who is moving, Clay tells Justin that the Jensens want to adopt him. | When discussing options about moving forward in the case with her lawyer, Mrs. Baker says,I dont want Bryce Walkers money, I want him dead.. What do you think about the way this episode ended? Weve already discussed here and in previous reviews how comparing Tyler and Hannah is dangerous. The subject of 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 10, "Tape 5, Side B" is revealed to be Sheri Holland (Ajiona Alexus). The story of Liberty High School, started by Hannah Baker, is coming to an end. Jessica gets to speak as well. But its not Clays responsibility. The violence against Tyler is perpetrated by Montgomery (Monty). As a fellow newcomer to town, Hannah and Jessica quickly became friends. Bryce entered the room and raped her as she slept - with Hannah hiding in the bedroom too scared to move. Bryce gets sentenced to three months probation, Justin, somehow, gets six months. They are twelve individual people (excluding Hannah - she is clearly a victim, even though she blames herself for some of abuses (1st, 9th and 11th) that transpired against her) each responsible for 13 horrible acts against Hannah Baker that heavily contributed to her suicide. to go to a private school called Hillcrest. I think Ive said this in every review Ive written where guns were involved: I wish the show didnt go there. And they didnt kiss, like he insisted instead, Hannah quietly rejected him. Bryce is being sentenced and speaks about how sorry he is. ago. 14/15 Jessica Davis Speaking Out Against Bryce Walker In Court. I had predicted Alex would have injuries following his suicide attempt for maybe one or two episodes and then be miraculously cured, but, like real life, that didnt happen. The priest also talks to Clay and explains that the God he believes in, a just God, would have mercy on a soul like Hannahs. But when Chloe actually testifies, she makes eye contact with Bryce and says she remembers wanting to have sex with him and that he did not rape her. We've included moments like Clay's Flashbacks, Clay talking to Jeff's parents, Jessica Davis talking to her dad bout being a rape survivor, Hannah's rape, Hannah's parents finding her dead in the bathtub and more. Clay lowers the gun from his head and the episode ends on a cliffhanger. She reveals that the culprit was Tyler Down (Devin Druid). The show treated his disability respectfully and thats appreciated. This is going to be hard to look at, OK? They talk and Chloe has no memory of having sex with Bryce and realizes she was raped while unconscious. to respond the way he learned in his program, but Montgomery doesnt let up. Executive producerSelena Gomez confirmed the second series of the show on Twitter. By the end of season 1, we knew Jessica was raped by Bryce. I miss you, and I hope that wherever you go next, you feel peace, you feel safe, in a way that you never did here. That seems to be enough for hallucination Hannah and she gets up and walks out into a white light. 13 Reasons Why - Season 2x11: Bryce gets a boner after having Flashback about Hannah Bledar Hyskaj 968 subscribers Subscribe 2.5K Save 731K views 4 years ago Notice Age-restricted video (based. Folks said their lives shouldnt be ruined for one mistake, but the reality is, many survivors of sexual assault experience lifelong mental health effects as the result of that one mistake and we often fail to acknowledge this. This episode doesn't start with Hannah's (. It happened when Hannah stumbled upon a party Bryce was throwing in his backyard, and adrunk Jessica invited her to join them in the hot tub. Monty doesnt take this rejection well and decides to take it out on Tyler, who has just met the new school counselor. Justin asks Jessica if she thinks about ending her life. If you call the police, its over for Tyler, he explains. As Bryce reflects on mental images of Hannah being raped, we see that he gets an erection from the thought of overpowering her. Urged and supported by Clay, Alex, Justin and the others, Jess eventually decides to testify against Bryce and pursue a criminal case against him. 6 Reply 11 more replies 7 "I may not remember all of the details, but I will never forget the sheer terror of feeling your weight on top of me. When he hangs up, we see hallucination Hannah continue to describe her rape to him in graphic detail, which is what propels him forward. Chaos erupts . Tony joins in when Montgomery calls him a faggot, something we know triggers his rage. Use the hashtag. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Hannah attempted to leave, only for the dangerous jock to prevent her from doing so. Located on Jay Asher's book of the same name, 13 Reasons Why debuted on the streaming service in 2017, making huge fus and even positive assess. Jeffis also posthumously blamed for the crash, falsely decreed to have been driving under the influence. Later on in the episode, we learn what Bryce says in court is false, but well get to that later. This would be a powerful statement if it didnt just feel like the show addressing criticism for showing suicide as something that comes from a negative series of events. Alex arrives on the scene and hits Montgomery with his cane. Fast forward to Tape 12, and then the main reason Hannah kills herself is revealed - she too was raped by Bryce. '13 Reasons Why' fans took to Twitter after binging the second season, claiming that one scene went too far read the reactions On the recording, Hannah recounts the events of a party. This season, wereanalyzing what each episode means for themental healthcommunity. Content warnings:This episode of 13 Reasons Why shows graphic depictions and explanations of rape, referencessuicideand has a gun plotline that may be distressing to viewers. Clearly Hannah needed help and, clearly, Tyler needs help. Zach goes in on Bryce, and Montgomery defends Bryce by hitting Zach. It appears you entered an invalid email. You know Im like really fucked up, right? Justin says, crying. She also gives him Hannahs list of. 13 Reasons Why has confronted a variety of debates running from their misusing of Hannah's self destruction to the reclamation story curve of Bryce Walker in season 3. Much to my surprise, Zach stands up for himself. In 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 4, "Tape 2, Side B," Hannah Baker had once been stalked. Well come back to Tyler later in this review, but first, lets go back to the beginning of the episode. The latter came in the form of increasingly unwelcome attention from male students - most notably when Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) groped her at the local store. She says no and Justin agrees. Bryce is being sentenced and speaks about how sorry he is. The Baker's Dozen is the main antagonistic faction of the first season of the Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 2, "Tape 1, Side B" focused on Jessica (Alisha Boe). Before . Eventually, he's caught for defacing the school's baseball field with the word 'RAPIST' - an act aimed at Bryce Walker, who raped Hannah and two other teenage girls. . Alex arrives on the scene and hits Montgomery with his cane. As such, not only was a special first in Hannah's life tainted, but her entire reputation was damaged by the deceitful rumor. In an attempt to bond with the popular elite, Alex adds the sections "Best and Worst Ass." I wouldnt know what to do in that situation, but I dont think the answer is arranging a getaway car a la Tony. We suggest everyone skip past minutes 38 to 40. Though Justin eventually makes an ill-fated attempt to stop him, Hannah blames Justin for allowing Bryce entry in the first place and not doing more to protect Jessica. Its devastating to watch, and again, if you havent watched yet, I recommend you skip over this bit. Despite everything, Monty is still loyal to Bryce, who is leaving Libertyto go to a private school called Hillcrest. After joining a club, she becomes friendly with Ryan Shaver (Tommy Dorfman), who served as editor of the school newspaper. Clay walks to Bryces house. Divided into seven tapes, both sides of each corresponded to a specific person and a specific event. Hannah reveals that Alex had contributed to something known as "The Hot List." Justin sees Bryce, he calls him a liar then throws him against the locker and punches him. Upon leaving his office, Hannah briefly waits for him to make any kind of extra effort. The Bakers lawyer then goes after Bryce in a direct line of questioning that leaves little doubt that Bryce did not obtain consent when he had sex with Hannah in the hot tub. Reason Hannah kills herself is revealed - she too was raped by Bryce in Hannah 's honor she. Had contributed to something known as `` the hot tub and she gets up and walks out into party. You watched Ep 13, burns them news, live events, and Bryce that... A show that is heavily skewed towards the American White Teenage demographic second series of the school justify the:... Has just met the new school counselor written where guns were involved: I the! Series for a third season after complaints about the series finale they admit they done. So she could meet people, Courtney is there with her parents a mental illness help and, in 13! 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