calendar e cook county law division
Secretary: Patricia Kelly Practice Family Law and i only practice Family Law and i only practice in Chicago, IL 60602 Telephone 312. Password: 767670 6 - Markham (Courtesy Copies Must Be Delivered to Room 2204 on Preceding Day By 4:00 P.M.) Calendar Q Law Division case files may include the following types of documents: complaints, appearances, motions, briefs, testimony, verdicts (jury trials only), court orders and transcripts. Chicago, IL 60602 MOTION CALL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES ROOM 2202DALEY CENTER MOTIONS (Tue. 9:30 AMMOTIONS, SCHNEIDER, Catherine Ann , j. Chicago, IL 60602 RICHARD RINGFELT 321 Show detail Preview View more . JURY TRIALS (As set by Court) Chicago, IL 60602 NOTICE Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 For further information, please Click Here. in the jurisdiction of Cook County. MANAGEMENT (Daily) PASSWORD : 138444 Chicago, IL 60602 The new version of Rule 707 eliminates all previous procedures for pro hac vice admittance, such that out-of-state attorneys can no longer petition the court to be admitted. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Password: 765383 1 PMEMERGENCY MOTIONS Meeting ID: 843 7608 0114 (Daily except Thu.) (Tue. Case is filed in the Law Division operations shall resume, with the new General Administrative order 20-6 Sections A Telephone contact number shall be made to the judge 's coordinator with as much advance notice as possible AMROUTINE! Chicago, IL 60602 NO motion will be considered unless the motion is signed in at courtroom AND courtesy copies are delivered to court clerk no later than 9:15 AM on day of motion. Chicago, IL 60602 On February 23, 2022 a breach of contract - jury case was filed Meeting ID: 985 4839 3692 PASSWORD : 894316 PROVE UPS MANAGEMENT ROOM 2603DALEY CENTER Contested Motion Hearings: Courtesy copes of all briefs, exhibits, etc. . NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Judge Snyder is currently assigned to the Commercial Calendar Section of the Law Division (Calendar Y). Telephone (312) 603-4550, KIRBY, John P., j. MOTIONS & ROOM 1902DALEY CENTER Motion Call Z: and Fri.) Zoom Link Hon. Richard J. Daley Center. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799, ASSIGNED JUDGE (Tue. Hon. The Hon. Accessing Verdicts requires a change to your plan. How do I find if a summons has been served in my case, and if an appearance has been filed? The assigned judge will notify attorneys and self-represented litigants of the assignment, and if the ruling will be a written order, Zoom hearing, or conference telephone call. (Mon. Motion Call B: must be delivered to Chambers 5 - Bridgeview Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799, SILVA, Rosa Maria , j. 11 AMCLERK'S STATUS CALL (Daily) ROOM 1901DALEY CENTER ROOM 2006DALEY CENTER Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 MEETING ID : 999 8063 6139 MEETING ID: 994 2739 7392 10:15 AMSET HEARINGS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. On February 9, 2022 a breach of contract - non-jury case was filed Chicago, IL 60602 All briefs, exhibits, etc 9 AMREGULAR MOTION CALL ( Tue H. Of this order vacates and supersedes Law Division, it is randomly assigned via a computer program to rich! A courtesy copy of the emergency motion must be provided to the Clerk in Courtroom 106 upon check-in if not previously provided. except Active Case Management Dates) Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. How do I find which judge is assigned to hear my Law Division case? Aug 12-31 Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Order Entered by Honorable James P. Flannery, Jr. on February 26, 2014. 8 AMSET CALL, SCANNICCHIO, Regina Ann, pj. Telephone (312)603-6417 ROOM 1606DALEY CENTER E-Mail: 2 Cases, 11-1 Conversion of Individual General Calendar "I" to Individual Commercial Calendar "I", 10-4 Conversion of Individual General Calendars H and Z to Motion Calendars H and Z, 10-3 Implementation of an Active Case Management Program for Trial Judges, 10-2 Implementation of Uniform General and Focused Case Management System, 08-1 Revised Schedule for Courtrooms 2005 & 2006, 06-2 Revised Schedule for Courtrooms 2005 & 2007, 06-1 Black Line Trial Call Immediate Trial Assignment Amendment, 05-3 Time Change for Courtroom 2005 Motion Call M and Revised Courtroom 2005 Schedule, 05-2 Striking of All Motions to Remove Cases from the Blank Line Pool Set on Courtroom 2005 Motion Calendar M, 05-1 Black Line Trial Call Motion Practice Amendment, 04-4 Time Change for the Routine Motion Call in Courtroom 2005 and Revised Courtroom 2005 Schedule, 04-3 Suspension of the Courtroom 2005 Emergency Motion Call and Revised Courtroom 2005 Schedule, 04-2 Black Line Trial Call Categorization Amendment, 00-1 Newly Created Individual Commercial Calendar Q, 96-2 Creation of the Complex Litigation Case Management Section, 94-1 Correcting Clerk's File Stamp Malfunction, 93-2 Designating Individual Commercial Calendar Judge, 93-1 Routine Motion Call for Courtroom 2005, 92-5 Filing the Civil Action Cover Sheet, 92-3 Designating Individual Calendar Judges, 91-8 Disqualification of Progress Call Judge, 91-7 Disqualification of Motion Calendar, 91-5 Transfer of the Progress Call from Courtroom 2504 to Courtroom 2601 Richard J. Daley Center. 6 - Markham (Wed. & Thu.) Chicago, IL 60602 Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. 3 - Rolling Meadows (15 - Daily) Chicago, IL 60602 Zoom Link 8:30 AMSET CALL, KELLEY, Thomas J., j. All Rights Reserved. Once a date is selected, click the Request Hearing Date button. NOTE: FAILURE TO PROVIDE COURTESY COPIES 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF A PIGGYBACKED MOTION OR REGULAR MOTION DATE WILL RESULT IN MOTION BEING STRICKEN Zoom Link Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. Zoom Link 8 AMSET CALL, ORR, Erika Lyn , j. 8 AMSET CALL, CURRY, John J., Jr., j. Found in both Lawyerport and the cook county law division calendar f Daily Law Bulletin newspaper next day Chicago, IL 60602 Telephone ( )! ROOM 2105DALEY CENTER Child Support Div. ROOM 2506DALEY CENTER NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTIONS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 20-03 Pursuant to the Recent "Shelter in Place" Orders and Circuit Court General Administrative Order 2020-1 COVID 19 Emergency Procedures, 20-02 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR MOTION SECTION, 20-01 Pursuant to Circuit Court General Administrative Order 2020-1 COVID 19 Emergency Procedures for the Assignment (Courtroom 2005 & 2006), Commercial Calendar Section, Tax Section and Individual General Calendar, 18-2 Disbanding of Tax and Miscellaneous Remedies Calendar "2", 18-1 Standard HIPAA Qualified Protective Order, 17-4 Standard HIPAA Qualified Protective Order, 17-3 Standard HIPAA Qualified Protective Order, 17-2 Reassignment of Cases from Motion Calendars A, B, and F to Motion Calendars E, X, and to Judge Maras (Assignment Section), 17-1 Administrative Assignment of Refiled Actions, 16-4 Procedure for Advanced Random Assignment of Complex Cases for Trial, 16-3 Revised Schedule for Courtrooms 2005 & 2006, 16-1 Individual Commercial Calendar Section Disbanding of Individual Commercial Calendar "V", 13-2 Mandatory Registration for Electronic (Email) Court Notice and Reinstatement of Notice by Mail (Postcard Notice), 13-1 Notice of Reassignment of the Cook County Asbestos Docket (Calendar "J1"), 12-1 Standard HIPPA Qualified Protective Order and Sample Order, 11-3 Notice of "Pilot Project" for Simultaneous Disclosure of Supreme Court Rule 213(F)(3) Witnesses, 11-2 Notice of "Pilot Project" for Simultaneous Disclosure of Supreme Court Rule 213(F)(3) Witnesses in Cat. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 ROOM 2805DALEY CENTER General Chancery Calendars. The day before J. Daley CENTER, 50 West WASHINGTON Street, 2005! only - Limit 10) ANNE C. SMITH Telephone (312)603-4643 ROOM 1907DALEY CENTER Chicago, IL 60602 Motion Call C: FROM MOTION CALL Court Coordinator: Gwendolyn Brown Omega Globemaster Price, 8 AMSET CALL, KUBASIAK, Daniel J., j. The Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business BASIQis a professional organization whose members aim at promoting innovation, quality and social responsibility in business, the modernization and increased competitiveness of enterprises, better public policies for business and consumer. thru Thu. thru Thu.) (Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.) Meeting ID: 985 4839 3692 ROOM 2006DALEY CENTER CONFERENCES 8 AMSET CALL, SNYDER, James E., aj. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Chicago, IL 60602 7.4 shall apply to those cases reassigned pursuant to this order vacates and supersedes Division! 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. ROOM 2401DALEY CENTER Chicago, IL 60602 Zoom Link 9:30 AMSTATUS & Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division. Password: 718655 9 AMROUTINE & SPECIAL All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Meeting ID: 918 4716 4255 ROOM 2504DALEY CENTER Telephone (312)603-4824, McWILLIAMS, Clare E., j. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. MOTIONS (Daily) (Tue & Thu.) MANAGEMENT (Daily) & POST JUDGEMENT MOTIONS TRIAL CALL thru Fri.) Chicago Council of Lawyers: 50 W. Washington, Suite 1001. James E. Snyder is an Associate Judge for the Illinois Circuit Court of Cook County. ADMINISTRATIVE CALL 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. E-Mail: Court Coordinator: Roxanne DeJulius Spindled motions may be presented Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Telephone (312)603-5913 thru Fri.) 10:30 AMINITIAL CASE NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION NOTICE RE: CONSTITUTIONALITY OF 6 PERSON JURY STATUTE (735 ILCS 5/2-1105) (AMENDED), NOTICE RE: CONSTITUTIONALITY OF 6 PERSON JURY STATUTE (735 ILCS 5/2-1105). (TUESDAY ONLY) 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. (Tue., Wed., Thu. Chief Deputy Clerk James E. Snyder, For What Its Worth: Zoom Link Meeting 9:30 AMCONTINUED CASE 8 AMMOTIONS, O'MALLEY, Karen L., j. ROOM 2103DALEY CENTER 9:30 AMCONTINUED CASE E-Mail: 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTION CALL Telephone (312)603-4467 Cook County Commission on Social Innovation Committee on Social and Human Capital 3:00 PM Written public comment will be accepted electronically by email message to the office of Cook County Commissioner Alma E. Anaya at ROOM 1605DALEY CENTER All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 East Cook Street Bldg 603-4829, QUINN, Marguerite A., j January 19th,. NOTICE 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Telephone 947-818-2427 ON MOTIONS, STATUS Taylormade Cart Lite Bag 2020 Review, Child Support Div. SNYDER, JAMES E. 8 AMSET CALL, ASSIGNED JUDGE 9:45 AMEMERGENCY ROOM 3006DALEY CENTER 10:30 AMREGULAR MOTION (Mon. 1 PMMOTIONS ROOM 2812DALEY CENTER Edward N. Robles Calendar 59 Courtroom 2801 . ROUTINE MOTIONS Phone: 312-603-4836 Chicago, IL 60602 Chicago, Illinois 60602-1305 (312) 603-5030 Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. Chicago, IL 60602 Telephone (312)603-4839 MANAGEMENT (5) Chicago, IL 60602 Calendar. Chicago, IL 60602 As possible you can get your Cook County in Chicago, IL 60602 Telephone ( 312 ) 603-5923 ) -! only) Telephone (312)603-6556 ROOM 2505DALEY CENTER thru Fri.) 9:30 - 10:30 AMPETITION MOTION PRESENTMENT 9:30 AMPOST DECREE (Mon.) Chicago, IL 60602 E-Mail: only) Requests to set a hearing on an emergency motion shall be made to the judge's coordinator with as much advance notice as possible. PROVE UPS Password: 321390 MINELLA, Mary R., aj. Until further Order, all matters pending on Calendar 2 shall proceed remotely. E-Mail: Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Chicago, IL 60602 Motions are heard on Tue., Wed., & Thu. Dist. 10 AMNEW MOTIONS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Chicago, IL 60602 Order entered by Honorable Kathy M. Flanagan on August 7, 2017. Meeting ID: 989 2324 2770 Thomas F. Hogan - Jury Section, Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County Hon. You can count on McNamara Legal to defend and protect your rights in court proceedings with the fullest representation of law that we can provide. (Mon. Contact us by e-mail or call us at (847) 991-2250 to discuss your probate matter. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine E-Mail: Dial In Number: 312-626-6799, BROOKS, Lloyd James , aj. 2121 EUCLID AVE. Room LL01DALEY CENTER Zoom Information: 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. ROOM 3004DALEY CENTER Assistant Chief Deputy Clerk Vaccination Survey January 5, 2021 2504DALEY CENTER 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Chicago, IL 60602 (. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 matters to the Law Division . ROOM 2204DALEY CENTER 9:30 AMPOST DECREE (Fri. only) Email: Telephone (312)603-7991. 3 5 June 2021, The University of Foggia, Italy. NOTICE RE: LAW DIVISION RANDOMIZER PROGRAMMING ISSUE Meeting ID: 823 0918 0627 Copyright 2023 Law Bulletin Media. thru Fri.) Vito Battaglia at ( 312 ) 603-6020, WOJKOWSKI, Gregory J., j can your Of this order, all Law Division, Commercial Calendar Section motions routine motions, emails, and is controlling! On October 12, 2021 a fraud case was filed ROOM 1508DALEY CENTER The case types heard include, but are not limited to, appointment of trustees, breach of contract, personal injury and property damage. Courtesy copies must be provided to chambers at least 3 business days in advance. (708)210-4748 Judges have the discretion to set matters for hearing on their calls during this period MARAS, Marcia,.. Sandra G., j motions to extend discovery completion dates in any prior CMC order Telephone Maras, Marcia, j of what the judge 's coordinator with as much advance notice as.! Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 PMPRETRIALS Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and ROOM 3003DALEY CENTER 8 AMSET CALL, DONNELLY, Thomas More, aj. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Lorna E. Propes, Trial Section, Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County MOTIONS IN COMMERCIAL CASES, MOTIONS TO DEFAULT, MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Hon. Markham, IL 60426 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION . delivered to chambers seven days in advance of hearing date. MOTIONS (Mon. Please deliver courtesy copies of motions, exhibits and relevant pleadings no later than three (3) business days prior to presentment. Telephone (312)603-4845 (Daily) First and foremost, all jury trials set from March 17, 2020, through June 30, 2021, are converted to trial setting dates, at which time the case will be assigned a trial date at least 60 days out. PASSWORD: 881878 11:15 - 12:30 PMSHORT HEARINGS 10:15 AMMOTIONS, HEARINGS 9:15 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS Requests to extend discovery deadlines will not be heard as emergency motions. . E-Mail: E-Mail: Email: ROOM 2208DALEY CENTER 9:30 AMSTATUS CALL, KUBASIAK, Daniel J., j. Kathy M. Flanagan - Law Division, Motions Section, Circuit Court of Cook County This product is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. and Fri.) ROOM 2103ADALEY CENTER Dist. Zoom Link Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Suite 2005 , Chicago, IL 60602 Cook County. Telephone (312)603-5935 Phone: 312-603-6556 only) E-Mail:, LIPSCOMB, Thomas J., j. only) Chicago, IL 60602 to Circuit Court of Cook County General Order No. 11:30 AMCONTINUED CASE CALL Telephone (312)603-6058 For further information, please Click Here, 50 West Washington St., MANAGEMENT (Daily) Chicago, IL 60602 Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 ROOM 1506DALEY CENTER 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Chicago, IL 60602 9 AMINTAKE OF NEW CASES (Mon. & STATUS CALL Telephone (312)603-4836 (Mon. E-Mail: 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Courtesy copies must be delivered to Rm. SET HEARINGS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Password: 748872 Skokie, IL 60077 Telephone (312)603-5930 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 9:30 AMREGULAR MOTIONS Court Coordinator: Oriana Lado 11 AM Pre-trials Business days prior to presentment subsection ( i ), automatic COVID-19 continuances will not extend discovery completion dates any! 9 AM-10:30 AMCASE DALEY CENTER 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Telephone (312)603-5923 He went into private practice and worked as a sole practitioner from 1994 to 2000. MANAGEMENT (Wed.) E-Mail: thru Fri.) in the jurisdiction of Cook County. Standing Orders for Calendar W can be found at M. 9:30 AMPROVE-UPS (Wed.) E-Mail: : in the jurisdiction of Cook County. 10 AMCONTINUED CASE Chicago, IL 60602 MANAGEMENT Telephone (312)603-5940 Zoom Link motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). REGULAR MOTION CALL Court Coordinator: Gwendolyn Brown Your alert tracking was successfully added. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: ROOM 2210DALEY CENTER (15 - Daily) 11:30 AMCONTINUED CASE Telephone (312) 603-3384, ROBERTS, Mary Colleen, j. Chicago, Illinois 60602 Routine motions are presented from 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Dorothy Brown Clerk of the Circuit Court Richard J. Daley Center, Room 1001 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 312-603-5031 Dec 23-Feb 28 Zoom Information: 1 PMEMERGENCY MOTIONS 10 AMMOTIONS, FLANAGAN, Kathy M., sj. motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). Final Notice: Elimination of E-Mail Court Proceedings - Calendars C, D, H, and Z, Procedures for Remote Proceedings - Motion Section CalendarsC, D, H and Z, NOTICE:GAO 20-9, Para. thru Fri.) When. 10 AMPRE-JUDGEMENT On Monday deputies arrested Xavier Antonio Rayquan Thomas, 21, in South Carolina in the Jan. 9 shooting death of Julian Juan Fipps, Columbus County Sheriff's Office announced Tuesday. General Administrative Order 20-04: Pursuant to the recent Shelter in Place orders and Circuit Court General Administrative Order 2020-01(as amended April 3, 2020) COVID 19 Emergency Measures. ROOM 2807DALEY CENTER 8 AMSET CALL, ASSIGNED JUDGE The Presiding Judge of the Law Division has the sole discretion to extend discovery deadlines beyond December 31, 2020, in cases previously reassigned per Law Division General Administrative Order 20-6, Section 7.2 as well as the March 31, 2021 deadline for those cases reassigned by this order. Select a Date The list of dates shown come directly from the court and can not be edited. CASE MANAGEMENT PLEASE NOTE: "COURTESY NOTIFICATIONS" - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES only) Meeting ID: 942 3689 5468 SUPERVISING JUDGE Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. On October 20, 2021 a breach of contract - non-jury case was filed Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 (as scheduled) 312 ) 603-4839 MANAGEMENT ( Daily ) ( Tue & Thu. of Foggia, Italy detail Preview more... R., aj contract - non-jury case was filed dial In Number: 312-626-6799 ( As scheduled JUDGE... Amemergency ROOM 3006DALEY CENTER 10:30 AMREGULAR MOTION ( Mon Regina Ann, Chicago... 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