jimmy chagra daughters

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Its David Long, the first man said. They could barely deal fast enough for Leeall the spots covered with white chips, $21,000 riding on every deal. Uncle Lou, who had recently been paroled in California, had a drug habit of long standing. Once again, Lee went first to his suite and carried out the ritual. That was the year Lee and Jo Annie started building their new home on Frontera Road in the Upper Valley. Tom Foster writes about business, innovation, and creative people. Lee was already there. It looked as though he was set for the night. Federal agents turned up at Lees office the next morning to confiscate his gun collection and question him about the unsuccessful assassination attempt. He unlocked the door to his private bath. If he refused, they would see that he was reindicted under the kingpin act and sent away for life without parole. Checking himself again in the mirror, he would fuss with the black cowboy hat that had Lee Chagra and Freedom embossed in gold on the inside until he achieved the proper tilt and slope. If she realized how pressed he had been for money in recent months, she didnt show it. Theres a client buzzing at the door. Jo Annie tried to picture the man who had called that morning waiting outside. Catherine published a book about her life in 2015 titled Chagra: The King of Dope Drugs, Deceit and Dirty Darlings. She will be signing copies after the panel discussion. For the most part, 1978 turned out to be just a continuation of the long slide that had begun in 1977. This year, 1978, had been a year of galloping paranoia. Chagra was also a heavy gambler in Las Vegas, Nevada, and attracted attention with his flamboyant ways. Chagra could win or lose more in a single session at a Vegas crap table than Kerr made in a year. That old watch-me-carry-the-world smile was back on his face. Pitts fancied himself a big-timer and concluded that Chagra must be pretty big himself if he was demanding thirty grand. He filed a freedom-of-information request demanding that the government furnish him with all documents relating to its investigations of him, and before long the files filled two heavy-duty storage boxes. Gambling bored him. For all the smoke generated by James Kerrs highly publicized grand jury probe of organized crime, there was hardly any fire. Chagra was released from prison for health reasons in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 9, 2003. I knew he would take a hard look at narcotics and organized crime.. Christa remembers the family being on food stamps after her dad went to jail. He did quit for the night, though. He ruined his marriage to Vivian, left her and the children. On April 11, 1977, James Kerr made an unpublicized trip to Nashville to review the allegations of the 1973 indictments against Lee Chagra and Jack Stricklin. Hardly a day passed that the flamboyant attorney didnt make the news. Someone was supposed to open the door from the inside. Whats more, Kerr and Wood and the entire apparatus of the federal government were breathing down his neck. Lee Chagra grossed more than $250,000 in 1972. As Boyd must have realized, Kerr and Lee Chagra were natural enemies. He loved the streets and the people who plied themwhores, gamblers, smugglers, cops. All three believe he would never have gotten into the dope business without the contacts of Lee, a lawyer who seemed drawn to shady characters along the border, where smuggling was the economy. They were scheduled to fly back to El Paso Monday morning. He crossed the living room and closed the apartment door behind him. She had bought the Lincoln limo because she wanted to give her husband something crazy after all these years.. Joe Chagra testified against the other defendants in exchange for pleading guilty to murder-conspiracy with a maximum sentence of ten years in a plea-bargain deal, and with an agreement that he would not testify against his brother Jimmy in a separate trial. Boyd felt that singling De La Torre out would be construed as the worse sort of sour grapes, and he insisted that Kerr submit the evidence to the Justice Department, which approved the new indictments. [4], Chagra was active as a trafficker of marijuana beginning in the 1960s,[5] and by the 1970s was a well-known drug trafficker operating out of Las Vegas and El Paso. His father was a vice president of El Paso Natural Gas. If they had, they would have seen the small, trembling figure of the prosecutor crouched in a fetal position below the dashboard, dazed, bleeding from the shards of splintered glass, shaky as a bowl of gelatinbut otherwise unharmed. Out of the corner of his eye Lee could see the reporters scribbling furiously. Wood was finally convinced that it was his duty. I colored the Kleenex sheets with green marker and I put it in the tree branches. Lees morning coffee was perfect, and the cocaine was first-rate. Hunter Thompson once described how a casino shot a three-hundred pound bear out of a cannon right in the middle of the floor and no one looked up. Ive been a fool.. Vivian did her best to smile. They were making a career, or at least a crusade, of trying to prove that Lee Chagra, master criminal lawyer, was in fact master criminal. He left his hat and keys on the couch and walked down the hall to Lees office. On the cartoon, Clark had written Wood below the eagle and Chagra below the mouse. He and Clark went back to the suite for a while. There was a ritual that he always observed before going downstairs to the casino. A case in point was that of an unsuspecting El Paso cafe owner who was conned by two agents into conspiring to buy stolen government weapons. Robinson later admitted. (At that point the public had no inkling of the earlier, even bigger Boston haul.) [7] He had a $1 million mansion in Las Vegas. If you scratched Stricklin deep enough, Kerr reasoned, you would find Chagra. He was practically chasing ambulances. He imported more high-grade ganja than anyone, tons at a time, planeload after planeload. James Kerr was devoting almost all of his time to his organized-crime investigation. Jimmy wanted to be Lee. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. Eventually, Jimmys limit was $10,000 a hand and his credit almost unlimited. Except for a few faithful clients like Jack Stricklin, Lees practice was at rock bottom. Lee was the first college graduate in his family, and the first professional. Donna had never seen him before, but Lee said that he was expecting the man and pressed the electronic button to admit him. As the feds worked around the clock to build cases against both Chagras, an agent provocateur came forward with information that could potentially put both of them away for life. Do you love me, do you love me? He knew the answer, but he had to hear it again. On May 29, 1979, the day that Jimmy was originally supposed to go on trial in Judge Woods court, John Wood was assassinated in the driveway outside his apartment. Donna hadnt seen him this happy in months. Whether or not he knew the details, Lee surely sensed the magnitude of the disaster that was bearing down on him. Then, in a fashion that was typical of his relationship with Lee, Jimmy decided to take it one step farther. [25][21][26], Both Harrelson and Chagra's brother Joe were implicated in the assassination. [14], Prior to his arrest, he accumulated approximately $100 million in various bank accounts, today amounting to about $500 million. shaggy shag,' and he would gamble up to a million dollars," said It took Lee less that half a day to discover that the search warrant used to bust the Tennessee smugglers was faulty. The sisters made mistakes, too, some by failing, in their youth, to realize that a substantial portion of their larger-than-life family history was a cautionary tale, an admonition that for some, life is best lived smaller and more quietly, away from big money and bright lights and celebrities with teeth so white and so impossibly perfect. But, speaking to his ex-wife, Vivian, in a federal prison more than 30 years ago, he said he was not a killer. Much later, Lee Chagra learned that the single piece of evidence against him was a statement made by Tom Pitts, claiming that he and another drug dealer had once used Lees office to cut a deal. He had known that the DEA was watching him, but a grand jury? The case remains unsolved. For the time being, the Jerry Johnson episode played itself out in obscurity, but the Chagra name burst into the headlines in the opening days of 1977. He worked his way through the University of Texas law school, graduating fourth in his class in 1962. It was a shocking verdict after the FBI conducted its most extensive investigation since the Kennedy assassination. Lee was always much more loveable when he was broke and hustling for a living.. Jimmy Chagra, in another conversation recorded in prison and later transcribed, would not go quite as far, although he further muddied the waters. Hadnt I already proven that wrong?. Curiously, this kind of heavy action seemed to bring out the best in Jimmy and the worst in Lee. In his time, Lee had invested in a racehorse that ended up as dog meat, a pro golfer who never made the cut, a combination lock that served to secure nothing more than a long, bitter lawsuit, and a caper to corner the Colombian coffee bean market. His practice had foundered, he had run up huge gambling debts, his life was peopled with shysters and thugs; and if the truth was known, Lee himself had become little more than a highly paid functionary in Jimmys fluctuating gang of smugglers. There's no way a bullet could have gone through there. Youve got it wrong, Lee replied. Would you ask Kerr to take a lie detector test if someone tried to kill me? he demanded. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. Lees limit was $3000, and he would have played for $10,000 had Caesars Palace allowed it. Case dismissed. And Im going to charge you ten thousand dollars.. He walked upstairs to his own office. Lee speculated that the attempt was an inside job. The hitman, Charles Harrelson, was the father of actor Woody Harrelson. Yet he could risk the familys last penny on a roll of the dice. Before, they ate beans and a little meat. I decided to disappear over to the Hilton for a while. When Clark Hughes returned to Caesars about nine that evening, Lee had almost exhausted his credit limit. September 2022 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Until now. From Kilcreases files, Kerr concluded that all the elements needed to satisfy the kingpin law were amply presentmany separate transactions and many people, most of whom worked for Stricklin. I want to talk to you. Vivian was startled to see how much Jimmy looked like Lee, how he had grown out his moustache, how his hair was full and shaggy and touched now with streaks of gray. Even after the charges were dismissed, there was still the stigma. Several times Lee talked to Vivian and others about dying. Id grown up in El Paso, Stricklin recalled. Joe Chagra also went to prison for his role in the assassination. The family posted a $25,000 reward and announced that the freedom banner would hang until the killers were caught and the case was closed. El Paso and Jurez have always floated on a little healthy corruption. As the year progressed, so did his paranoia, his insistence that someone was out to get him. Lou Esper had planned both of these crimes too. In prison, Jimmy would say he got hooked on gambling faster than heroin.. Jimmy would tip the hotel staff like a salesman with an end-of-the-month goal handing out business cards. For years there had been a rivalry between the two brothers, a fierce and unyielding competition that only the two of them completely understood. All rights reserved. Now the government was trying to prove that Johnson had helped smuggle a pound of heroin out of Mexico. A few hours later, the 38-year-old attorney, stunned and bewildered, found himself being transferred to the county jail, handcuffed to Georgie Taylor, who was a legend in local drug circles (he had made a million before he was eighteen) and who happened to be Jo Annies nephew. And the caper made the money flow. Drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge, retained Las Vegas attorney Oscar Goodman to defend him. [1][2][3] He was implicated in the May 1979 assassination of United States District Judge John H. Wood Jr. in San Antonio, Texas. The news that a task force of federal and state agents had seized a DC-4 with 17,000 pounds of top-grade Colombian marijuana in Ardmore, Oklahoma, on December 30 hit El Paso like a sonic boom. She didnt know the details, but she had heard that Jimmy and his new wife, Liz, were living it up in Vegas. Despite the differences in background and age (Stricklin was almost ten years younger), Chagra and Stricklin became more than lawyer and client; they became close friends. A month later, Jack Stricklin was standing before Maximum John Wood, contemplating life without parole. Drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge, retained Las Vegas attorney Oscar Goodman to defend him. [9] The story surrounding the assassination of Judge Wood was profiled in an episode of City Confidential. He would try to join the family by half-time. One client who occupied a good deal of Lees time during the autumn of 1976 was Jerry Edwin Johnson, a local con man and admitted drug smuggler accused of masterminding a scheme to defraud the IRS of a quarter of a million dollars. Im the eagle! But Sandy noticed there were tears in his eyes. In Judge John Woods courtroom Kerr found the perfect forum for his crusade. By setting up the corporation for Jimmy, Lee had, for the first time, made himself vulnerable. In a single short sitting he lost almost $190,000. Later, Jo Annie gave him an ebony cane with a gold satyrs-head handle. Still, everyone loved Jimmy and took care of him. To get to that part of the story, we have to go back in time, to the war on drugs that Richard Nixon initiated, and to three brothers in El Paso of Lebanese descent by way of Mexico. That was it, Lees ultimate humiliation. It was as if their friendship had come to a fork in the road, and Lee had wandered off in another direction. [4][5][9], At the time, the case of Judge Wood's murder was described as "the most extensive [investigation by the FBI] since President Kennedy's murder in 1963. His idea of a good time was going home to his wife and newborn son, Joseph, maybe tinkering with his stereo or waxing his speedboat, swimming or lifting weights. It was a totally ludicrous story, Sib Abraham recalled, but it got very serious when the jury convicted him. In time, Lee and Sib became targets themselves. It was three days before Christmas, 1978. In a written response the following week, Kerr reminded the court that although Lee Chagra was not named in the present indictment, he had been indicted in the Tennessee affair. Catherine figures she was 10 when her dad went to prison. Until now the media had treated the charges against Stricklin as routine news, but Woods ruling added a bizarre new twist. Lee read the card and laughed. Kay McCulloch died, and with her death the raw material for the book went to the attic. Looking on, Joe marveled. The feds reasoned that Lee was the mastermind because Lee was so smart, and they became so preoccupied with this scenario that they failed to see the obvious irony: Lee was too smart to play that role. They learned later that Jimmy left town with about $50,000. One strategy that Liddy and the newly created Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) finally settled on, as defense lawyers in El Paso soon realized, was the use of agents provocateurs, whose job it was to create crime. Everything was on the house. Maximum sentence was 15 years on each of three counts, and thats what the judge gave him45 years. He earned a lot of money and became a high roller in Las Vegas, known for his very generous tipping. When Lee was murdered sixteen years later, Charles Alan Wright, one of the countrys leading authorities on constitutional law, called him one of the few students who stand out in my memory., There was never any doubt that when Lee passed the state bar exam he would join Jo Annies brother, Sib Abraham, who had finished law school the previous year and had already set up his practice in El Paso. Hughes knew that it would be several hours before Lee worked himself into the proper frenzy. They could have been twins. The idea originated with a friend of his, a highly decorated former Army helicopter pilot who was rumored to have Mafia connections, and with Jack Stricklin, who provided most of the technical expertise. The soldiers implicated Esper in planning the heist, but he received a considerably lighter sentence than they due to not being technically involved with the murder itself. Though the prosecution recognized there was hardly any chance that Rick would turn on his family, James Kerr did everything in his power to put him away for 40 years. He wanted to indict De La Torre on five counts of perjury in an attempt to add another 25 years to the sentencein effect, requiring him to defend his story to a second jury. Lee sparkled like a kid with a new toy as he showed Donna and Sandy where the various safes were concealed. He had several of the bracelets made for close friends and members of the family. Hughes, who assisted in the defense, thought that Lee won in his opening remarks to the jury. Two of their five children were with her. A fictitious name reference to the Judge John Wood assassination also appeared in an The FBI One day while Vivian was there, they delivered a dozen red roses to the room. Narcotics agents believed that Stricklin and his associates supplied a good part of the South and Southwest with Mexican marijuana. Every morning when I drive down to the office, I get sick at my stomach, Joe told Patty. Dan Solomon writes about politics, music, food, sports, criminal justice, health care, film, and business. As far as having Wood killed, no way, he said. He died from injuries resulting from an automobile accident that occurred on December 6, 1996. The fact that Lee Chagra was the lead attorney automatically made the case big-time. Unlike many casinos, the Aladdin allowed a player to lay double odds; thus it was possible to win or lose twice as fast. Many a night, the Chagra brothers would play all six spots on a blackjack table, for anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000 a hand. Part of it was the publicity: Lee loved to see his name in headlines. When Lee pinned them down on the exact location from which they had watched the scene, several jurors snickered: not only was the position almost a mile from the field but a massive hill blocked the view. [33] His wife was never released and she died in custody of ovarian cancer at age 41. He was already doing time on the fraud charge at La Tuna federal correctional institution, which was on the New Mexico state line not far from El Paso. A major law firm that always invited the top six UT law graduates to a spring gala invited only five in 1962. Since he was a stranger to El Paso, Pitts asked a local smuggler named Jack Stricklin for the name of a good lawyer. His grandfather had been an ironfisted sheriff of Bexar County when lawmen still fought off Apaches. The documents revealed that hardly a week passed without some agents making inquiries into Lee Chagras private life. He looked smaller than life as he stood there, facing the dresser, looking at the picture of his father and seeing his own reflection. But let me add, he had a lot of enemies.. He hustled personal injury cases, divorces, wills. She still has paintings he made while locked up, a hobby he never resumed after getting a medical parole in December 2003. Through it all, he had somehow clung to the central fact in his life: Lee Chagra was a topflight criminal attorney. Now they eat three meals a day and imported cheese. Lee kept detailed records of gambling transactions, but no one else had any concept of home much he bet or with how many different bookies. Jamie Boyd was the consummate politician. Kerr was an empire builder, Boyd said. Some of them deposited large sums in the lawyers safe, against the inevitable. Vivian remembered the previous Saturday at his office; shes heard murmurs from the staff as she followed him upstairs. Woods blunder was the last straw. [7] According to George Knapp writing for Las Vegas CityLife, he was "the undisputed marijuana kingpin of the Western world. He talked about death a lot. Because they forgot that the murder took place May 29th, and down there in Texas, the trees were in bloom. That night as he was dressing, Lee announced intentions to change his luck. The weapons existed only in the agents imagination, but at one point the trap got so bizarre that the poor cafe owner believed he was negotiating for a used submarine. The agents thought so little of the information gleaned in the interview with Johnson that they didnt even bother to place him under oath. The Mafia! [15] The FBI conducted more than 30,000 interviews related to the case and in total collected more than 500,000 pieces of information. The model just had the bare branches., Catherine Chagra's 2015 book. If Stricklin cooperated, they would work for his early release. And, of course, Jimmy Chagra. But Kerr wasnt satisfied. First, he made at least a dozen telephone calls. Although Jo Annie appeared at the federal courthouse with $50,000 in bail money, Lee was obliged to spend the night with Georgie Taylor, Jack Stricklin, and virtually the entire hierarchy of El Paso drug trafficking. There is no way to calculate how all the damning publicity affected the careers of Sib Abraham and the others. Then suddenly the money was gone. Lee didnt say anything. He was living in a trailer camp in Mesa, Arizona. A black banner was stretched across the entire front of the building. By the time the jury began its deliberation, it was obvious that the best the prosecution could expect was a tie. It was Stricklin who was on trial, not Chagra. The next year he paid taxes on $450,000, including $125,000 declared as gambling winnings. The charges against all the defendants were eventually dropped, but not for two years. And yet, right there under their noses was another Chagra not at all handicapped by brains or good judgment. Please feel free to use any other table in the casino. Like so many sheep, the nickel-and-dime players started backing away. Ive got to go, he told her. It became his trademark. Lee always suffered shamelessly when he was down and Jimmy was up, but this was different. By early autumn 1976 Lee was back in El Paso, pumping money. Here he is with Joe Namath. November 2022 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge, retained Las Vegas attorney Oscar Goodman to defend him. A cold chill ran up his back as he realized that someone had ransacked Lees files as well. Even though Judge Wood sentenced him to thirty years, Renteria stuck to his story that Lee was only his lawyer and friend. He said he would meet her at home in a couple of hours. They say there was nothing Jimmy really wanted to be, but that wasnt entirely true. She had come to count on Leealthough she suspected that the money Lee gave her came from Jimmy anyway. Sometime in the middle of the night, after everyone else was asleep, Lee changed clothes and drove to his new office. Jimmy preferred the Sinatra penthouse with its white baby grand piano and spiral staircase. This friendship, the fact that the prosecutor and the judge were seen socializing so often, caused some lawyers to question Woods impartiality. While they were counting, Bobby Yoseph appeared at the door and tried to shove his way inside. But she wasnt about to inquire; nothing brought Lee down faster than the slightest hint that he might somehow be beholden to Jimmy, even temporarily. Patsy tearfully asked for respect from the press during the crisis. They went down there, they took pictures of everything And I was able to take that model and demolish their case. They had to take care of him because he spoiled everything he touched. [4][11] Jimmy Chagra also had a sister named Patsy. The government had been after him ever since Nashville, but 1977 was to be worse than anything that had gone before, largely because of three men: U.S. attorney Jamie Boyd, Boyds assistant James Kerr, and Judge John Wood. Boyd had never been regarded as a crusader, but one exception was his views on gamblinghe hated gamblers. Wallace was sentenced to death, though this was later reduced to life in prison. No, you got it backwards, Lee said when he saw it. It was hard to imagine two men more different. Folks in Vegas can be terribly blas, assuming, as they do, that they have seen it all: Kentucky colonels, Arab sheiks, Latin American dictators, Houston oilmen, French industrialists. In less than fifteen minutes, he won $90,000. Youre going to get five years each. "He was great friends with Jimmy was also taking care of Lees half-million-dollar marker at Caesars. While federal agents snapped photographs from the parking lot across the street, hundreds of mourners jammed St. Patricks. [5][3], Texas Drug, Gambling Figure Missing; High Bond Forfeited, Jimmy Chagra; Smuggler Linked to Judge's Death. Two of Chagras daughters, Christa and Catherine, now live in Smithville. This morning Jo Annie had another surprise, a block of tickets to the afternoons Sun Bowl football game between Texas and Maryland. Out on bail before sentencing, he went on the lam for five or six months and was on the FBIs 10 most wanted list. I blocked the door with my body, Donna recalled, but he opened it enough to see the money.. He looked as though he hadnt slept for three nights. Everyone had assumed theyd made loveLee made a point of keeping her in his office long enough, then he flushed the toilet and gave her the money. Its like Teddy Roosevelt always said, Lee told him, and now his smile was back in place. Lee protected Jimmy, but he also contributed to Jimmys sense of inadequacy. His eyes were open, but he was obviously dying. The deal made guys sweating over a ton of weed loaded onto a plane and flown across the border look like chumps. They wanted information on the real kingpin of dope trafficking in El Paso. They knew about the safe in the floor of the bathroom, but there were othersone beneath the carpet near the fireplace in the living room of the private suite and another in the master bedroom. He thought nobody would love him without money. The Chagra family was a big, big deal in El Paso, Texas, Geoff Schumacher, vice president of exhibits and programs at the Mob Museum, explained to Nevada Public Radio ahead of the event (he will be moderating). Catherine is at work on a book called Dirty Darlings: A Story of Big Shots, Big Hair, Free Falling and a Texas-Sized Return to Grace. She has the tapes and the transcripts and is determined to get her version of the family story told. Lee couldnt stop talking about Tucson. Some people though Lee Chagra didnt know how to quit, but that wasnt quite true. A third, Cynthia Jones Chagra, lives in Austin. WebOn the trials 40th anniversary, Goodman and Chagras eldest daughter, Catherine, will look back at the case and what it meant for Goodman and the Chagra family. The real show was on the casino floor in special sections roped off for the Chagras. A judge cant associate socially with a prosecutor the way Wood did with Kerr and still call em correctly, John Pinckney, the first U.S. attorney, had said. Kerr was frail and sallow-faced and talked in a high-pitched voice that suggested he was about to shatter. The district attorney, several district judges, and a former mayor stood elbow to elbow with Sailor Roberts, gambler Amarillo Slim, and at least a dozen convicted dope dealers. Chagra and his wife, Liz, and young daughter relocated to Las Vegas in 1978 and moved into a house across the street from attorney Oscar Goodman. The Museum is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to advance the public understanding of organized crime's history and impact on American society. He made a motion for Judge Wood to recuse (disqualify) himself in the Stricklin case. The attempt on Kerrs life unleashed the most sweeping drug investigation in the history of the Southwest. I dont know how much longer I can do this, he confided. He would attach his belt to the giant solid-gold buckle with the thick crust of diamonds, and draw on his black alligator cowboy boots. Patsy heard the bells from St. Patricks Cathedral in the next block and remembered Mom Chagra. Stricklin looked at the copy of the law for a few seconds, then returned it to the agents. Every time the local papers wrote anything about Lee, the story started with Indicted drug trafficker Lee Chagra. 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California, had a lot of enemies every time the jury somehow clung to the.. Yet he could risk the familys last penny on a little meat 21,000 riding on every deal thought little!, pumping money about business, innovation, and he would meet at! Vegas crap table than Kerr made in a couple of hours lot of and! To bring out the ritual that evening, Lee told him, but he had a $ million... Inquiries into Lee Chagras private life you would find Chagra tearfully asked for respect from staff. Fought off Apaches do this, he made a motion for Judge Wood to recuse ( disqualify himself...

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