lawrence county alabama grand jury indictments 2020

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1 was here. David L. Rickey, 45, of Coal Bank Hollow, Ironton, was charged with aggravated possession of meth and resisting arrest. . The above-named defendant committed the offense of wanton endangerment in the first degree by knowingly, wantonly and unlawfully operating a motor vehicle in a manner which created a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to Dan Jaynes. He was charged with four federal counts of attempted murder of officers and employees of the U.S. government and people assisting them. The Grand Jury charges that on or before August 17, 2019 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant : Stanley McCarty committed the offense of possession of a handgun by a convicted felon by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a .38 caliber handgun and a .22 caliber handgun after having been previously convicted of a felony. The Grand Jury charges that on or before October 21, 2019 in Lawrence County, Ky the above named defendant William L. Copley committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the 1st by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of Methamphetamine. MADISON COUNTY, Ala. (WHNT) Two men have been indicted by a Madison County Grand Jury for capital murder and several other charges stemming from a deadly . The above-named defendant, acting alone or in complicity with Gary Lynn Cordle , committed the offense of tampering with physical evidence by knowingly and unlawfully concealing, destroying, or altering physical evidence that he believed would be used against her in an official proceeding. Tina R. Hoffman, 49, of Columbus, Ohio, was charged with failure to appear. If you need legal assistance, you should see an attorney. by Mike Coburn, LOCAL METHODISTS SPLITTING WITH DENOMINATION AMID HOMOSEXUAL AND THEOLOGICAL DEBATES, ITS DEER SEASON, GRANDSON BAGS NICE ONE IN MARTIN COUNTY, Grandsons of Wayne County resident honor late grandfather with new scholarship, Lessons learned from a seasons last roses as winter looms, SENATOR PHILLIP WHEELER: HONORING OUR VETERANS, NICE WEATHER AND ANNUAL PARADE SPICE UP BLAINE, KY. AT 2022 AUTUMNFEST. An indictment is a formal charge made against a person by a grand jury. Same great content of the printed newspaper, Access via computer, tablet or mobile device, anywhere you have an Internet connection, Sharing articles via Facebook and Twitter. He is believed by investigators to have been killed in an attempted robbery. Designed and Managing by BizNex Web. The sealed indictments were issued against individuals who have not gone through the court system. Court dates are usually posted on a court docket, which is a list of cases before the court. The Grand Jury charges that on or before September 24, 2020 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant : Lloyd Brown committed the offense of trafficking in a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of .164 grams of Methamphetamine, with the intent to traffic in that controlled substance or by trafficking in a controlled substance, namely Methamphetamine, with a prior conviction. Please register to continue listening. Kentucky Power Winter Update: Friday, December 23, 12:30 p.m. YATESVILLE LAKE WINTER CLEANUP SET FOR THIS WEEKEND, JAN. 21, REGULAR JANUARY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA ANNOUNCED, LAWRENCE COUNTY SCHOOLS CLOSED TOMORROW IN HONOR OF KING, Louisa City Council Regular Meeting January 10, 2023 AGENDA, HUMANE SOCIETY IS HOSTING FREE TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 13TH, NEW LAWRENCE FISCAL COURT TO HOLD SPECIAL MEETING TODAY, KENTUCKY STATE POLICE ASHLAND POST 14 ANNOUNCES CHECKPOINTS, KENTUCKY POWER URGES CUSTOMERS TO REDUCE USE OF ELECTRICITY, STATE DEMOCRATS SAY NEW GOP TAX LAWS HELP MILLIONAIRES, NOT PUBLIC, SENATOR PHILLIP WHEELER LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Week 1, Bluegrass Institute responds to General Assembly votereducingKentuckys individual income tax rate, OUR YEAR-END APPEAL FOR SUPPORT OF JOURNALISM, NEW FEATURE for 23 preview: LAZER JEOPARDY: YOU PROVIDE THE QUESTIONS, Stay connected to the General Assembly during the 2023 legislative session, BESHEAR ISSUED MEDICAL MARIJUANA ORDER ALLOWING IT AS WEDGE ISSUE AND TOOL FOR RE-ELECTION, GOP SENATOR SAYS. The Grand Jury charges that on or before November 20, 2019 in Lawrence County, Ky the above named defendant Keith Penix acting alone or in complicity with Carl Marcum, committed the offense of trafficking in a controlled substance in the 1st degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of Methamphetamine with the intent to traffic in that Methamphetamine, or by trafficking in that Methamphetamine, less than 2 grams, namely 0.874. Nov. 20MOULTON A Lawrence County grand jury has cleared a Lawrence County sheriff's deputy in the shooting death of a Trinity man who aimed a flare gun containing a shotgun shell at the . @7 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:my@D9F2 #@36CE #6J? Please log in, or sign up for a new account. The above-named defendant committed the offense of operating a motor vehicle on suspended or revoked license by knowingly and unlawfully operating a motor vehicle while his license to operate the motor vehicle had been suspended or revoked. The Grand Jury charges that on or before April 10, 2020 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant : Brain Roop acting alone or in complicity with Joshua Ray committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Methamphetamine. Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription. LAWRENCE CO. BOE TO HAVE SECOND MEETING IN TWO NIGHTS, THIS TIME FOR EXPULSION, WHITE OAK HILL TREATMENT CENTER IS HIRING NOW, HOSTING A COMMUNITY EVENT IN INEZ, WAYNE SHERIFF'S MEN, FT. The law prohibits the Circuit Clerk from giving legal advice. An indictment is a formal charge made against a person by a grand jury. Be Truthful. Allison Benitoa acting alone or in complicity with Mark Caudill and Bradford Cordle committed the offense of trafficking in a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance with the intent to traffic in that controlled substance or by trafficking in a controlled substance, namely Methamphetamine, digital scales and multiple baggies. :6CC6j D64@?5\568C66 A@DD6DD:@? William Bradley Ellis committed the offense of operating a motor vehicle under the influence, third offense within a 10-year period, by knowingly and unlawfully operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substances, that impair a drivers ability to operate a motor vehicle, while having two previous convictions. Don't knowingly lie about anyone Don't Threaten. William Bradley Ellis committed the offense of assault in the second degree by wantonly assaulting Robert Gillespie of Louisa, Ky, causing physical injury by means of a dangerous weapon or deadly instrument. Designed and Managing by BizNex Web. Be Proactive. The above-named defendant committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Methamphetamine. AC@A6CEJ]k^=:mk=:m$F>>6C $9:A=6Jj 7:CDE\568C66 4C:>:?2= >:D49:67]k^=:mk=:ms2G:5 q] %2J=@Cj :>A6CD@?2E:?8 2 A6246 @77:46C]k^=:mk=:ms2? Brandi Meade committed the offense of possession/drug paraphernalia by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of multiple altered glass pipes. Indictment also handed down for sodomy charges stemming back to November 2016, 2017 and 2018 on victims ranging from ages 12-14. To formally charge someone with a felony, or indict that person, a grand jury must return a true bill. The following grand jury indictments were handed up last week in St. Lawrence County Court: Douglas M. Monroe, 36, of Lisbon, is charged with first-degree sexual abuse, first-degree rape, two counts of second-degree rape, and predatory sexual assault against a child, all felonies. Support local journalism reporting on your community Thank you for using NNY360! 2?5 DF77@42E:@?]k^=:mk=:m$FD2? There were also 30 sealed indictments issued. Joshua Ray committed the offense of theft by unlawful taking over $500.00 by knowingly and unlawfully taking a 2004 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, owned by Rebecca Maynard with a value of $13,500.00. Michael Cordle committed the offense of strangulation by intentionally, without consent, impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of another, applying pressure to the throat or neck of another, or by blocking the nose or mouth of another person, namely Kayla Booth. July 14, 1967 . Be Nice. TV SHOW COMES TO TOWN AGAIN, KENTUCKY POWER IS READY FOR THE STORM, URGES CUSTOMERS TO BE PREPARED, LAZER PIC FOR NEW YEARS TREAT AT THE PARTY, Fourth Women, Wine, Jewels, and More fundraising event slated for Jan. 23, TRIPLE THREAT OF FLU, COVID AND RSP VERY REAL IN COUNTY, REGION AND STATE, Kentucky Power urges customers to get ready for winter weather now, LAWRENCE FISCAL COURT RECEIVES $30,000 GRANT FROM KY POWER, Lawrence County Civil Suits, Deeds and Marriages for the week of January 8-14, SLEW OF SPEEDING TICKETS HIT LAWRENCE CO., KY DOCKET, LAWRENCECOUNTY,KY. In our pages you can meet and reach the people who are here on the job working for you. :D6 w2>AE@?j 7:CDE\568C66 A@DD6DD:@? The Grand Jury charges that on or before July 5, 2020 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant: Billy Lemaster committed the offense of wanton endangerment in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully engaging in conduct which created a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to Mr. David Roberts. Designed and Managing by BizNex Web. The following individuals have been charged with violations of United States law in indictments returned by the Grand Jury. The grand jury also seeks to confiscate $842 Morris had in his possession when he was arrested. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. The above-named defendant committed the violation of reckless driving by knowingly and unlawfully and recklessly operating a motor vehicle upon the roadways of the Commonwealth of Ky without due regard for the safety and convenience of pedestrians and other vehicles upon said roadways. March 10, 2013 . @7 >2C:;F2?2]k^=:mk=:m!2EC:4< w6?CJ w2>:=E@?j A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m}:49@=6 |2CE:? The above-named defendant committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Heroin. . 35650. The Grand Jury charges that on or before November 1, 2016 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant : Ronald L. Kuykendall committed the offense of sodomy in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully committing an offense against a vulnerable victim by engaging in deviate sexual intercourse with a victim less than 12 years of age in November 2016. Alabama Coal Miners Begin Their 20th Month on Strike December 2, 2022 Hundreds of coal miners in Brookwood reached a milestone Thursday: They've spent 20 months on strike. Threats of harming another Sonya Fitzgerald committed the offense of trafficking in a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, scales, and small dose baggies with the intent to traffic in that controlled substance or by trafficking in a controlled substance, namely Heroin. person will not be tolerated. SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM! @7 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46j A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m#@36CE y6DD:6 }6=D@?j 2EE6>AE65 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46 4C:>6]k^=:mk=:mqC2?5@? An indictment is not proof of guilt or innocence. To view Madison County Circuit and District Court dockets by judge and date, click "Dockets" in the green menu bar and click on the judge's name. ?J r=J56 (2CC6?j A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m!2EC:4< w@==:D (2CC6?j 7:CDE\568C66 E967E @7 AC@A6CEJk^=:mk=:m"F:?E2G:6D r] (:==:2>Dj 4@?DA:C24J E@ 3FC8=2CJ]k^=:mk=:mpAC:= #6?66 (:==:Dj 7C2F5F=6?E FD6 @7 4C65:E^563:E 42C5]k^=:mk=:mw2>AE@? Lester Finley committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a Scheduled I/II controlled substance. Clyde Pack acting alone or in complicity with Carl Marcum committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Methamphetamine. The above-named defendant committed the offense of wanton endangerment in the first degree by knowingly, wantonly and unlawfully operating a motor vehicle in a manner which created a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to Billie Cordle. s2G:5 $E6G6?D@?j A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m%@>>J #2J qC@H?j A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:mz6==: {J?6 #@33:?Dj A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m#@36CE |:4926= qFC<6EEj 5@>6DE:4 G:@=6?46 DEC2?8F=2E:@? Allison Benitoa acting alone or in complicity with Mark Caudilll and Bradford Cordle committed the offense of possession/use drug paraphernalia by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of numerous altered pipes and syringes. The following people were indicted by the most recent Lauderdale County grand jury: James Robert Moss, 29, 955 Grandview St., Florence; unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and two counts of unlawful possession of a controlled substance Jamarious Dequan Qualls, 23, 100 Westside Plaza Apartment 12, Russellville; first-degree possession of marijuana and unlawful possession of drug . The above-named defendant committed the offense of possession of drug paraphernalia by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a syringe. #:492C5 vF776Jj F?=2H7F= 5:DEC:3FE:@? "Most of the property crimes go hand-in-hand with drugs," said Moulton Police Chief Lyndon McWhorter. Brandi Meade committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Methamphetamine. Michael Cordle having been charged in the instant indictment with the above stated felony counts is now being charged as a persistent felony offender in the second degree. AMERICA? @7 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:mr9C:DE:?2 #6?6 %F4<6Cj F?=2H7F= 5:DEC:3FE:@? Jennifer M. Carpenter, 36, of Township Road 1317, South Point, was charged with felony theft. EDGED OUT IN OT IN 2A STATE TOURNAMENT, FORT GAY YOUTH LEAGUE, CRUM AND FORT GAY MIDDLE HIGHLIGHT COMMUNITY DAY AT REBEL ARENA, BLAINE ELEMENTARY WINS EKEBC CHEERLEADING TITLE ON FIRST TRY IN 21 YEARS, TOLSIA ON THREE GAME WINNING STREAK AFTER BEATING HUNTINGTON ST. JOE; HOST WAYNE TONIGHT, LOUISA EAST ELEMENTARY CAPS OFF INAUGURAL SEASON WITH THREE CHAMPIONSHIPS, LAWRENCE CO. by Heather Smith October 14, 2022 in Courthouse A Lawrence County grand jury met October 13th and issued multiple indictments including Calvin Workman being charged with 20 counts of possession or viewing of matter portraying sexual performances by a minor and one count of distribution of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor. Most of the charges are. LAWRENCE CO. BOE TO HAVE SECOND MEETING IN TWO NIGHTS, THIS TIME FOR EXPULSION, WHITE OAK HILL TREATMENT CENTER IS HIRING NOW, HOSTING A COMMUNITY EVENT IN INEZ, Fallsburg Fearplex is Opening Tonite for 2020, Top Recollections News The Levisa Lazer. TV SHOW COMES TO TOWN AGAIN, KENTUCKY POWER IS READY FOR THE STORM, URGES CUSTOMERS TO BE PREPARED, LAZER PIC FOR NEW YEARS TREAT AT THE PARTY, Fourth Women, Wine, Jewels, and More fundraising event slated for Jan. 23, TRIPLE THREAT OF FLU, COVID AND RSP VERY REAL IN COUNTY, REGION AND STATE, Kentucky Power urges customers to get ready for winter weather now, LAWRENCE FISCAL COURT RECEIVES $30,000 GRANT FROM KY POWER, Lawrence County Civil Suits, Deeds and Marriages for the week of January 8-14, SLEW OF SPEEDING TICKETS HIT LAWRENCE CO., KY DOCKET, LAWRENCECOUNTY,KY. that is degrading to another person. ?J {66 }:Ij D64@?5\568C66 7@C86CJ]k^=:mk=:mr2DD:6 |:496=6 ~=:G6Cj F?=2H7F= >2?F724EFC:?8 @7 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m#@36CE vC25J ~=:G6Cj EH@ 4@F?ED F?=2H7F= >2?F724EFC:?8 @7 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m!9:==:A sH2J?6 !2C<6Cj 5@>6DE:4 G:@=6?46 DEC2?8F=2E:@? :6= sH2J?6 %6CCJj F?=2H7F= 5:DEC:3FE:@? The Grand Jury charges that on or before June 27, 2020 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant: Joshua Ray committed the offense of theft by unlawful taking over $500.00 by knowingly and unlawfully taking a 2004 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, owned by Rebecca Maynard with a value of $13,500.00. $92?6 w2J6Dj E9:C5\568C66 3FC8=2CJk^=:mk=:mr9C:DE:?2 #6?6 %F4<6Cj 7:CDE\568C66 C646:G:?8 @7 DE@=6? Drugs dominate Lawrence indictments By Michael Wetzel Staff Writer Jan 2, 2020 Updated Jan 8, 2020 0 MOULTON Nearly 65% of the recent grand jury indictments in Lawrence County, or. SHERIFF OFFICE TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW DEPUTIES, SEVEN CHILD SEX CRIME SUSPECTS CAUGHT BY KSP SPECIAL UNIT, $5 MILLION LOUISA SEWER PLANT FEMA GRANT APPLICATION COMPLETED, Lawrence County Deeds and Marriages for the weeks of 12/25-1/7, Lawrence County Court Docket for the week of January 2-6, LC FISCAL COURT HAS SPECIAL MEETING TO START FISCAL YEAR, NEWS MEDIA WORRY ABOUT POLICE RADIOS BEING ENCRYPTED, CONSTABLES CHIP IN TO BRING TOYS TO KIDS IN MARTIN COUNTY, MEMORIES OF CHRISTMAS . There is no place like home for the holidays Unless you dont have one! Scott M. Jenkins, 21, of the 2400 block of South 5th Street, Ironton, was charged with possession of heroin and aggravated possession of meth. Rickey Stevens committed the offense of assault in the second degree when he knowingly and unlawfully caused physical injury to Ishamel Kelley of Grayson, Ky, by means of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. Franklin Circuit Court indictments (March 29) Updated Mar 30, 2022 The following people were indicted by a Franklin Circuit Court grand jury on Tuesday: Steak out: Local man charged with. Your email address will not be published. A grand jury recommended the officer be indicted for the shooting, but the District Attorney chose not to bring charges against the officer. Published June 24, 2020 Updated Nov. 24, 2021 ATLANTA The three white men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery, a black man who was shot dead after being chased in a South Georgia neighborhood,. We hope that you enjoy our free content. If the green menu bar is not visible, click "Navigate" in the top menu bar, scroll down to the judge's name, and click on the name. So how does a grand jury work? COUNTY HAS PARTNERSHIP WITH FLETCHER ON SCHOOL PROJECTS, CARTER SAYS, THAT WAS THE YEAR THAT WAS 2022 LAWRENCE COUNTY, KY., FT. The above-named defendant acting alone or in complicity with Julie Maze, committed the offense of possession of drug paraphernalia by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a syringe. The Grand Jury charges that on or before May 29, 2020 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant : Franklin Castle committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Methamphetamine. The above-named defendant committed the offense of operating on a suspended or revoked operators license by knowingly and unlawfully operating a motor vehicle upon a Ky roadway while his operators license was suspended or revoked. The above-named defendant committed the offense of wanton endangerment in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully engaging in conduct which created a substantial danger of death or serious physical injury to a minor child different from the minor children reference in counts 3 and 4. The jurors returned indictments against 87 individuals whose cases were bound over from general sessions court. The Grand Jury charges that on or before April 2, 2020 in Lawrence County, Ky the above-named defendant : Christopher McDowell committed the offense of possession of a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance, Hydrocodone. Lawrence County Grand Jury met August 13, 2020 and handed down 23 indictments with wanton endangerment charges on a former Lawrence County Constable Billy Lemaster and other wanton endangerment charges including charges being on several minors. 0:03 1:08 MARION A Marion County judge and his wife have been indicted on multiple felony charges for their role in a hit skip crash in which a local man was injured. GETS FIRST FEMALE PATROLMAN IN 30 YEARS, Rebels beat Hannan and county rival Wayne to go 8-4, SCAGGS NAILS GAME WINNING THREE POINTER TO PROPEL LAWRENCE CO. OVER LEWIS CO.; BOYS AND GIRLS HOST BETSY LAYNE TONIGHT, MARTIN COUNTY WINS FIRST-EVER ALL A REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, LAWRENCE CO. The above named defendant having been charged in the instant indictment with the above stated felony counts is now being charged as a persistent felony offender in the 2nd degree. kF=mk=:m~4E2G:2 s6? The above named defendant committed the offense of tampering with physical evidence by knowingly and unlawfully concealing, destroying, or altering physical evidence that he believes will be used against him in an official proceeding. A Trinity man who police say confessed to killing a Huntsville man in 1995 was one of three people indicted on murder charges by a Morgan County grand jury recently. AC@A6CEJ]k^=:mk=:my2>6D s:==@? LAWRENCE BOE CHAIRMAN RESIGNS; NEW SYNTHETIC TURF COMING FOR LUKE VARNEY STADIUM, LAWRENCE GRAND JURY CHARGES SLEW OF NO SHOWS FOR COURT WITH BAIL JUMPING; COUPLE CHARGED IN BEATING, LOUISA POLICE DEPT. Call the district clerk's office or court's office for that county and ask for the next court date for the defendant. tF32? #2J |4<:?K:6j A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:m|2?5J |2C:6 |2CE:?j 2EE6>AE E@ 4@>>:E 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46 4C:>6]k^=:mk=:mw2C@=5 v=6?? You have permission to edit this article. Please allow extra time for parking and going through the metal detector. |:4926= sF?42?j E9:C5\568C66 3FC8=2CJ]k^=:mk=:my@D9F2 %6>@<2 sFEE@?j :56?E:EJ E967Ej A@DD6DD:@?^C646:G:?8 2 4@?EC@==65 DF3DE2?46]k^=:mk=:mqC:2?2 {J?? Mark Caudill acting alone or in complicity with Bradford Cordle and Allison Benitoa committed the offense of trafficking in a controlled substance in the first degree by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a controlled substance with the intent to traffic in that controlled substance or by trafficking in a controlled substance, namely Methamphetamine, digital scales and multiple baggies. Shelby County Grand Jury Indicts 61 Cases Including a Capital Murder Case Composed by Scott Flowers June 2, 2021 - A Shelby County Grand Jury handed down 61 indictments including a capital murder case from April 2021 on Thursday, May 27, 2021. Lawrence County Grand Jury Indictments August 13, 2020 Lawrence County Grand Jury met August 13, 2020 and handed down 23 indictments with wanton endangerment charges on a former Lawrence County Constable Billy Lemaster and other wanton endangerment charges including charges being on several minors. The above-named defendant acting alone or in complicity with Gary Lynn Cordle, committed the offense of possession of drug paraphernalia by knowingly and unlawfully being in possession of a syringe. Road 1317, South Point, was charged with aggravated possession of meth resisting... About anyone do n't Threaten, 36, of Coal Bank Hollow Ironton! Df77 @ 42E: @? j 7: CDE\568C66 a @ DD6DD: @? ] k^= mk=! Return a true bill bring charges against the officer be indicted for the shooting, but the District attorney not! Job working for you using NNY360 sign up for a new account to reading. Metal detector a true bill is no place like home for the holidays you! 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