united flight attendant interview process

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By the end of 2022 Delta expects to have a total of 4500 new flight attendants. Ive been out of school for so long. Hello Roberta, That is correct as a United flight attendant you have initial training in Houston, TX and you report to your new base assignment upon completion of training. If you get your shoes ahead of time and make sure they fit and are comfortable, that will help a lot! Proof of vaccination: At United, we take pride in Connecting People and Uniting the World, safely. I dont believe they are still requiring new employees to be vaccinated. I was hoping to have some insight about what to expect. Im 53 years old, with 20+ in customer service and speak German fluent. If selected for a position, you will be asked for proof of vaccination at the time of offer. There are group activities, interviews, and informational sessions. Tell us about a difficult customer service experience? It's a more personality-driven assessment, designed to assess your customer service, flexibility, and adaptability skills. Thank you for an amazing article and for all the advices and help provided. I dont see why you couldnt wear a swim cap. This blog was very informative. You can read a full article on how to answer What type of work environments do you prefer? here. United Airlines updated its flight attendant tattoo policy in 2021 to allow visible tattoos. Other airlines have you wait six months to one year to reapply if you have received a TBNT or thanks but no thanks email. for the completion of required tasks. I am looking forward to becoming a flight attendant. I'm heading to Houston tomorrow for my face-to-face interview with United, in hopes of becoming a Flight Attendant. Any thoughts? It also is not showing up in my united careers account. She said United would email me.. still havent heard anything. Big group first gets and intro to the job and life of a FA. Remember to speak up but give others a chance to speak. You May Also Like: What To Pack For Flight Attendant Training + Free Packing List. Then later on can the base be in your home town? One time I was on the register role taking the customers order as regular and a customer orders a drink as normal. Asked how I felt about going away for training for 6 weeks and I said I was fine with that it sounded exciting. Flight attendant pay starts at $28.88 and topping out at $67.11 per hour after 12 years. HOW TO PASS YOUR FLIGHT ATTENDANT INTERVIEW!Thanks for wa. The language pay is when you are based in a speaker (language of destination) base and translation is part of the job, hence the speaker pay. I attended the Airline Academy in Orlando,Fl in the beginning of August. My child just received a contingent job offer today from United Airlines. This is where you convince the interviewer that you have researched the organization and are interested in their services. Im doing my best to study up and prepare, this has been a dream of mine since I was a kid! Still awaiting a response from UA. I was wondering will being colorblind and only having one eye (monovision) will that disqualify me on becoming a UA flight attendant? On some flights it can be less than 20% of passengers. I am looking for a change of jobs. ago its has been my dream to be one. Hi Bill, Im glad you are enjoying the post and congrats on your daughter earning her wings! The live one was today and Im wondering how long it takes to to receive a email stating whether youve made it to the next face to face in person interview? Note we recommend reading the General United Airlines Interview Questions but you can skip and search by role. How big are they? You will get one day off a week, but you will need to study and take care of yourself those days. Hang in there and best of luck to you. Possession of a valid U.S. passport or foreign passport with applicable visas and eligibility to travel globally without restrictions. Thats how theyre thinking in the interview. Right now I am working as a caregiver with older people, most of which have dementia. Youre perfect for the job! IT IS WORTH IT! Dont neglect this step. This is a straightforward question, and you should reply by stating all of the languages you speak at an intermediate level or above. Mention you researched which airline was the best airline to work for and United Airlines was ranked #1 by glassdoor which means a lot since it was ranked by employees. The reason for the hiring event is because they need flight attendants at the base in that city. Do you think once recruiters review my printed resume (that Ill bring with me to the fair) Id be considered if I live in Atlanta? Hi, I applied last night for German speakers only but one of the requirements is to speak Hindi. Friendly announcements, warm smiles, and top-notch Hospitality are just a few traits that factor into being a Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant. Login with Google! I think I may have misunderstood your question the first time. Submitted my VI on April 10th. Effective communication is crucial in the event of high-stress situations such as aircraft evacuation, security threats, delays, medical emergencies, severe weather conditions, and turbulence. I love reading everyones questions and your very informative responses. "My primary goal in my career as a flight attendant is to become a senior team member and eventually train others in the airline industry. 2. I am not vaccinated but can get an exemption if need be. I hope that all makes sense, its kind of complicated to explain. Get our free PDF with thetop 30 interview questions and answers. Also do they do trainings during the holidays? What do you think the United Brand is? You are definitely not too old to be a flight attendant. This article is a full guide on being a flight attendant with United. United flies to six continents, and not everyone onboard speaks English. This year United has had flight attendant classes graduating training every single week, and the hiring does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. Hi Gabby. I spoke about why it was the worst day but also what I learned from it and what could have went better/what I could have done better. If yes, are we allowed to wear a swim cap to try keep hair dry? If the dates that I am being asked to choose from is a conflict for me, will other dates be offered or do I have to reapply again? The person who interviewed me at the end asked if I had any tattoos and I do not. 8. I reapplied and I am in the training class scheduled for early November. 3. Hi Christiane, unfortunately I dont know of any US airlines that allow hand tattoos including United, and there are only a handful of airlines that allow tattoos at all. Hello R, congrats on the VI. 6. The customer requests my co-worker to make a last minute change to their drink and my co-worker mistakenly assumes the customer Mis-gendered her and this turns into an back and forth argument between the two. United Airlines has over 500 new aircraft on order, and this is the airline to work for if you want to have the best international destinations and beautiful new airplanes that will be creating 25,000 more unionized jobs. How likely or unlikely is it that I will be invited back after 180 day pause. Common Flight Attendant / Cabin Crew Interview Questions 1. Its a very common question, and Ive been asked this myself early in my career. Describe Yourself as a United Airlines Personnel? Hi Mitch, the contractual starting pay at United is $28.88 + $2 per hour reserve pay. Please dont psych yourself out, think of the day as an adventure and enjoy the journey. Thats an email a candidate receives when the airline lets them know that they will not be moving forward in the interview process. After successful completion of flight attendant training its time for flight attendant graduation. Tattoos that are offensive to other employees or customers are not permitted. Learn More, Hi, I'm Deanna the creator of Future Flight Attendant. What are United Airlines core 4 values? Unfortunately, I didnt get passed that step. With enthusiasm I told them my story and why it was my best day. Yes, prior to this interview, I was a flight attendant for a regional airline and have dealt with the stresses and achievements you typically see in this industry. 3. I fit all the requirements except for the one hand tattoo!! What can you tell me about yourself? So make sure you know some facts about their individual airline, and mention what you admire or like about their company. Speaking a second language is a huge benefit as United has a large domestic and international route network with a large presence in the Asia Pacific region. Today, you can see the. Hi! (I purchased my flight for morning in and being out for under $100 so not too bad there). A good example you could bring up could be one that youve seen here at Starbucks. This is one of the airlines you should consider applying with if you are interested in becoming a flight attendant. Women should wear a blazer, dress shirt, and skirt. I have a regular 9-5pm job. But, Im determined to fly Thanks a bunch for all your guidance . You can also ask them a question about this, like, By the way what type of training does your airline provide to help prepare flight attendants for this type of situation?. I do. You get a raise every year for 12 years topping out at $67.11 plus speaker pay if you are in the German speaking role. I did want to ask for clarification on two things. This post could help you with more info on tattoos: https://futureflightattendant.com/can-flight-attendants-have-tattoos/. . The training class starts in 4-6 weeks in Houston. Vote 1 1 comment Best Add a Comment vforvideo 4 min. Its okay to say you like both situations, but make sure you show them that you have the skills needed to handle situations where teamwork is required. Why should we hire you as our ramp agent? Here's the FULL LIST of FLIGHT ATTENDANT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Q1. But I really want the chance and experience of a Legacy Airline interview process. You can always head over to Walmart or the mall to get anything else you need. Thank you Deanna! Say you want to learn and grow your career in the aviation industry and with United being a Fortune 500 company for well over 20 years you feel you could learn a lot here. Say you have strong leadership skills which will allow you to respond to a variety of emergency and non-emergency situations. However, I havent received anything else. Thanks! Say pay excellent attention to detail which will allow you to ensure baggage gets to the right place. I became a flight attendant 16 years ago because of a United flight attendant named Yoshi. There were 6 interview questions. We all know this is not a Monday-to-Friday job so tell them you have no problem working the hours United Airlines assigns you. Hello EM, being colorblind is not an issue. Upon successful completion of initial flight attendant training, you earn your wings and become an official United Airlines flight attendant. When you are in training it will require your full attention and it would be next to impossible to do anything else during that time. 1. Reserve flight attendants typically fly between 76 and 120 flight hours per monthly bid period depending on operational need. Also, do you know of any material I can read to prepare myself for test taking? Congrats on completing the first steps in the interview process. Thank you!! Before the pandemic, they tested new uniforms with completely different colors and styles, but then tragedy struck, and they are still using the blue and black uniforms. Or can I wait till I have a CJO? That is awesome that your child is starting training. Say you have strong multi-tasking skills which will allow you to handle a wide variety of situations while in continuous contact with the public. They also had practice questions that weren't recorded, but where you can practice answering while being on video. Its still there and never wasnt. My must haves were: Workout clothes, jeans, sneakers, swimsuit, laundry detergent, notebook, snacks, ear plugs, headphones, sleep mask, a jacket, something comfortable to sleep in and you will have a roommate, toiletries, and anything you can think of to help you study. PS A few years ago I made it all the way to the f2f in Houston simply by applying online. You should answer this by mentioning that you enjoy a fast-paced, collaborative work environment. Popular Job Interview Questions for United Airlines. Can you tell me about yourself? United Airlines is working toward nonbinary uniform selections, and male flight attendants are allowed to wear make-up and colored nail polish. Hi Lauren, the Cleveland base has not shut down, it was closed which just means closed to incoming transfers. Took the interview on the last day. Today I'm explaining the whole process after passing my American Airlines Flight attendant interview. As a result both the customer left satisfied and my co-worker more relaxed from the situation. He has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying, competitive positions. Also though Arabic is not a listed language preference based off the application and articles Ive read, is there still incentive pay for being fluent in that as a second language? The initial interview is conducted at one of the major cities served by United Airlines. The best thing to do is to email the United and ask them that question. Do you know anything about the health benefits for FAs, are they the same tier as say a customer service agent? I was asked this question during the VI. When they ask why you would succeed in this position, its a chance to show confidence and brag about yourself a bit. Flight attendant training is held at the brand new state-of-the-art United Airlines Flight Attendant Training Center in Houston, Texas. There are no tattoos permitted on the face, hands, or neck for United Airlines flight attendants. >> This question is important and comes directly from a flight attendant colleague of mine. However, some people have been able to be moved up sooner. My VI is this Friday, Im so nervous but excited! United Airlines is the best US airline to work, United Airlines Is My Top Airline For Flight Attendants, United Airlines Flight Attendant Qualifications, United Airlines Flight Attendant Age Requirements, United Airlines Flight Attendant Hiring Process, United Airlines Flight Attendant Interview, United Airlines Flight Attendant Training, United Airlines Flight Attendant Graduation, United Airlines Flight Attendant Hiring Events, United Airlines Flight Attendant Uniforms, United Airlines Flight Attendant Tattoo Policy, Future Flight Attendants Online Course & Coaching Program, Future Flight Attendants Flight Attendant Resume Service, The Flight Attendant Interview Study Guide, The Delta Flight Attendant Hiring Process 2022 In A Way That Is Easy To Understand, 12 Best Apps For Flight Attendants You Need To Have On Your Phone, https://futureflightattendant.com/can-flight-attendants-have-tattoos/, https://futureflightattendant.com/flight-attendant-age-limit/, https://futureflightattendant.com/flight-attendant-side-jobs/, https://futureflightattendant.com/flight-attendant-school/, https://futureflightattendant.com/product/flight-attendant-interview-guide/, https://futureflightattendant.com/commuting-flight-attendant/. United is always changing up the interview process (even if it changes a bit its still nearly the same), but at the time of this writing it is: Need a professional resume that will get you to the next step in the interview process? Classes that graduated in February 2022 were awarded Cleveland as a base. It was so helpful! My question is would you say it is possible to commute to your base? The article also includes great images/examples. TBNT means thanks but no thanks. For example, suppose you worked at a restaurant and they did not have a particular item on the menu so you went to the restaurant next door and got that item for them. Best of luck to you Shellie! Im not sure if I want to risk resigning my current one, just for a possibility. I am currently a flight attendant at Lufthansa based in Germany I am through to the second round at United I have applied for a bilingual German-speaking role I have 12 years of experience on long-haul flights what salary should I expect at United given my experience and language skills the posting states the pay range is 28.88 -67.11 with an additional $2/hr for reserve line. Flight Attendant Interview Questions Here we will discuss specific Hawaiian Airlines Flight Attendant Interview Questions I dont belive so because it would be impossible to work out those two schedules every month. Give the interviewer a great example of how you worked well under pressure in school or your last job. United has a straight reserve system, but at the rate, they are hiring, the time spent on reserve will be shorter than ever before. I live in Houston and have applied for UA FA job and was invited to complete the video interview. Learn More. If working in another position at United can I still apply for a FA position if Ive been in that position for less than a year? I have experience as a flight attendant, I worked for VARIG for 13 years as a flight attendant in Brazil from 86 to 99. , During the United FA training, is there any swim test or pool activity? (Well talk more about what questions to ask in a flight attendant interview soon). Im not sure if the timing, but most companies like you to be in a position for six months to a year. The last two rounds (one of which just closed) was by employee referral only. I'm heading to Houston tomorrow for my face-to-face interview with United, in hopes of becoming a Flight Attendant. First, you'll have to complete an online assessment. The job description states you will need to be available to work a variety of shifts, including nights, weekends and holidays, and overtime so it is in your best interest to be as flexible when answering this question. English language proficiency; second languages such as Hebrew, Hindi, Dutch, and German are an asset. Flight Attendant FA2022-GER3 10/25/2022 A "People-First" demeanor, Ability to adapt/respond to different types of customer-facing scenarios. The key is to get yourself a quiet room with no distractions. Rest assured they will get back to you. You may have your family come to watch you graduate, and if you have a friend or family member that is already a United Airlines flight attendant, they may even pin your wings during the graduation ceremony. United Airlines does provide you with the flight, but you are on your own to get to the interview once you get there. I am crossing my fingers for Dulles if I am offered the job after the in-person interview, but Im going in ready for anything of course. At the very least it will alert United that there may be a glitch on the application. My friend who has worked with United for 7 years referred me. How have you gone above and beyond for a customer? Apply Now Flight Attendant (Greek Speakers Only) Available in 3 locations Thank you for all the helpful information. In this article, were going to cover the 18 most common flight attendant interview questions from airlines like: This includes behavioral and situational interview questions, as well as other types of questions that you need to be ready for. Is that possible or is it a normal recruiting location and its still TBD or is it for Cleveland specifically? With the exception of Cleveland, the other bases could take YEARS to be able to get into. It never hurts to ask. Do you know how many inches the reach test is by chance? You should have researched the job and company as a part of your interview preparation. Explain which languages youre fluent or native in, and which youre still learning. It doesnt even feel like a job, but an exciting lifestyle. Check out How to Pass the Flight Attendant Video Interview. What to packBesides business casual outfits, hosiery, black heels that are compliant (see the blog post flight attendant shoes or check out the resources tab on the top of the site for the Future Flight Attendant Store, there are socks and hosery choices in there.) If you follow the tips above, youll be ready for a variety of questions, from how you would approach a certain situation, to why you want this job. If you dont know what to say have a look at other jobs at. I thought they shut it down in 2014. 7. Need your advise please. Upon completion of training, the flight attendants will have new uniforms and luggage. If you dont seem like you know what the job involves and/or cant explain why this position is attractive to you, then youre very unlikely to get hired for a job as competitive as a flight attendant. [3:14] You should be aware of the required skills and show that you possess them. It's okay to discuss your hobbies and interests but keep it brief. 3.) Some candidates will get offered a CTO (Contingent Training Offer) on the spot, some will be notified later. For Emirates, Id apply online. One time I was picking up this woman to go to the store and i came to her back door because that was the closest to get to her house from where my car was parked. You can either rent a car, take an Uber, or ride the bus. Hello Erika, not necessarily, its not over until United Airlines says that you have not been selected. They had been skipping the VI or video interview and going right to the F2F or face-to-face interview, but the VI is back. 5. Apply online by submitting your resume. Interview Info Interview Questions / Answers All Companies. But time flies and a year will pass in no time! There usually isnt much notice before the event, but if you are on glassdoor and there is one in your city, you will get a notification. But from what I heard, you are allowed to change your date one time. She then said it would take a week or mire to hear back from them. #videointerview #unitedairlines #united Hey Guys and Gals! If you are looking for United Airlines Interview Questions you have come to the right place. The group interview has different team building exercises and interview questions. Then, well look at some hidden factors the interviewer is looking for, as well as some general flight attendant interview tips, and what to wear to the interview. (Examples), Copyright 2022 Career Sidekick, LLC | Privacy | Disclaimer, Top 18 Flight Attendant Interview Questions and Answers, 3 Sick Day Email Templates to Get the Day Off, 4 Interview Closing Statement Examples to Win the Job, full article on how to answer what are your strengths?. You can have one adjacent area of tattoos, no larger than a credit card (or your United badge which is the same size), visible on each arm/wrist and leg/foot. I was curious to what the window is upon getting hired as a United flight attendant after the Houston interview, and when the training begins? 40 graduating flight attendant classes are scheduled this year alone. Me noticing this unfold rather quickly on register, I decide to intervene and offer both the customer and my co-worker if I can kindly make the customers drink for them. I saw two days ago that Emirates had an Open Day listed for Nov. 16th in SF. Finally, be sure to note any first aid experience or second language you speak. Deanna, I thought their passing score was 80%?? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Try to think of a situation that does not show a personal weakness. For example, suppose you are soft-spoken and therefore the interviewer may assume you will not be able to make public announcements. Ability to proficiently operate electronic devices (phones, tablets, laptops, etc). Hello Walaa Mohammed, Im glad you enjoyed the post. Only 60% of new-hire flight attendants make it through new-hire training. Ability to sit in an assigned jump seat with seatbelt and shoulder harness fastened. It really depends, and things always change. I applied a few days ago and never received an email saying it was submitted or anything about an assessment. Things change, they always change in the aviation industry so you never know, but historically thats the way it goes. 1. And did not go back. *UPDATE During the latest rounds of interviews (fall 2022), United was not giving anyone CTOs on the spot. This is asked for a variety of customer service interviews, including flight attendant interviews. You should approach this in the same way. Uniteds core4 principles of safe, caring, dependable, and efficient align. Thank you! The reason for the hiring event is because they need flight attendants at the base in that city. Your email address will not be published. Hello Neeka, the best way to prepare is through the Course & Coaching program. Thank you for applying but you have not been selected to advance, and you are welcome to reapply after 180 days. Hi Linda, Im not sure when United will be accepting applications for the flight attendant position. I believe being a flight attendant is the best job in the world. I send you all the best of luck and will see you on the line one day soon! It happens more than people realize. High school diploma or equivalent; 2 or more years of college preferred. I thought you meant do you get a second chance if you fail a test? United requires a six month wait to transfer, but they do sometimes allow transfers sooner than that. This has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying competitive. Is conducted at one of the required skills and show that you have strong skills! Any material I can read a full article on how to answer what type of work do. 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